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  1. Adjuster

    Paris Shit4brains Hilton

    Yee Haw! Spread it Bitch! I'm gold digging..... ! Your Man Whore is done, so give me your money!
  2. Adjuster

    Take this political test

    I only scored a 37... Dang, I must have been sleeping at the switch there a few times... LOL Was hoping for a clear cut 40 for sure.... Joel, you must have cheated man... Your score is way too high, or have our online debates changed you into a closet conservative? :)
  3. Adjuster

    Paris Shit4brains Hilton

    Ok, let's see here. If Paris was available... I'd hit it, marry it, and then divorce it... LOL And then become very, very rich on my 1/2 of the leftovers.. All you guys that say otherwise, just have not thought out the benefits v/s the liabilities. (You can always glove up in seran wrap...
  4. Adjuster

    head porting?

    Your talking about bearings for the cams? I coated mine with molydisulfied, and it seems to have worked pretty good. (It helps to restore the worn cam caps, but does not add so much material that your going to get too little clearance there.) If you could get roller bearings like they use...
  5. Adjuster

    Tranny gearing...

    OK, when I had my R154 rebuilt, we looked at "upgrading" the 5th gear set to one used in the ASIN R150 for the V6 Tacoma pickup truck. It is slightly more overdrive by a few points. In the end, it would have been about 230.00 to have it done, and IIRC, the final gear ratio difference would...
  6. Adjuster

    High oil pressure killing turbos?

    Oil in your accodian intake pipe is normal. (Your valve cover vents go into the accordian pipe, and this draws off any blowby gases, and oil vapor that comes out the valve covers.) The idea is to burn off those hydrocarbons by routing them to the intake again. The down side is that the...
  7. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Bonus, if you belive that Mr. Berger, having obtained his degree's from Stanford, Berkeley and Davis is a objective source of information, your seriously overlooking the obvious. Those are all flamingly liberal schools, proud to be on the forefront of resistance to everything capitolistic...
  8. Adjuster

    Take this poll

    I think there is so much propaganda being spewed out by the Liberal Elite Environmentalists, that it is very hard for the average person to have an educated view on "Global Warming." That being the case, I'm happy to see "global warming is natural" (Sic) being the #1 choice of those on this...
  9. Adjuster

    Conspiracy theorists, what is your highest level of education?

    Totally depends on the theory, and conspiracy. Did JFK get shot? Yep. Did one bullet or three do the job? Who cares. Did we go to the moon? I'd like to belive we did. Can NASA prove it? I'd like to see the video and other interesting problems resolved before I pass final judgement. The...
  10. Adjuster

    head porting?

    I hear the worries about wearing out the cams faster... Keep this in mind. These springs are not that agressive really. (Not much more than the stock 2JZ pressures IIRC.) The coil bind is better even though the springs are slightly longer than stock, but the wire is smaller diameter, and...
  11. Adjuster

    High oil pressure killing turbos?

    I would get a restrictor to limit how much oil is being forced into your CHRA. Basicly it's a hole 2 to 3 32nds in size. If your running higher than "normal" oil pressure, it likely will put way too much oil into the CHRA, and that forces the excess oil out the exhaust side under boost...
  12. Adjuster

    Did we really go to the moon?

    So, here is an idea. Your friend in the space program was a hero in the eyes of the country for a few reasons. A.) He actually walked on the moon. B.) He helped to provide us with a huge win at the time over the Russians with the world media. (And he's a great actor in water tanks on movie...
  13. Adjuster

    Did we really go to the moon?

    Whoa.. So Joel, you think this "did we go to the moon" thread is crazy, but you front ideas like Bush was in on 911 with the terrorists? Now that is smoking crack for sure. Years ago I worked for an areospace company, and their research labs as a janitor. (So much for your theory I'm Mr...
  14. Adjuster

    Might be getting a 1987 Olds. Cutlass Wagon Ciera?

    I picked one up really cheap a few years ago, and had it for a few years. (Is not a bad family hauler, and when it ran right, my wife sort of liked it...the space that is.) So, here is what to keep in mind. We did not call it the Gutless Cruiser for nothing. (The 2.8 V6 is a dog.) The...
  15. Adjuster

    Did we really go to the moon?

    Well, imagine if your living quarters are insulated by 4mm of aluminum and some thermal insulation. That's it. No other protection. And you have to keep this capsule leak free for all the time your up there too. I could see a small impact blowing a very large hole in the outer skin, and if it...
  16. Adjuster


    Low carb diets work as long as you stick to them. (Pretty much goes for any diet idea.) Better approach is eating less, and burning more. (Exercise.) Now that's blasphmey! (Why walk when you can Supra?)
  17. Adjuster

    Did we really go to the moon?

    Holy crap, I did this just to incite a riot, and 30 some post later, you guys are having fun with it. Seriously though, there are some pretty screwy things that everyone has belived true, and that have turned out to be completely different. I was pretty young when we were going to the...
  18. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    "Top 2000 Scientists" ? Where? From what areas of science? I seriously doubt that if you took 2000 of anybody, and posed the questions we have talked about in this post, they would all agree on it completely one way or the other, so I have to do this dude. :bsflag: Second, the book is...
  19. Adjuster

    Did we really go to the moon?

    Ok, I have my own theory here based on some pretty decient science and facts, but what do you guys think? *(Joel is now saying that space flight will be a popular tourist attraction in the near future, just as soon as we get the hydrogen/water thingy all worked out.)* LOL Ok, here is the...