Went by to pay some money on my engine and was joking with Christian about how the Supras are multiplying (there are about 15 sitting around). I asked about this car and he said he was working one day, a wrecker showed up, asked him where he wanted it parked and left. He does not know who's...
Sorry to bump a semi old thread, but being a paramedic, I've never seen a leg that straight with half the femur sticking out. Also, an open femur fracture would not stick out that far, if at all. It appears to be moulage for a Shattered Dreams type thing or some kind of EMS training. This...
It's an option that was available only on 86.5 to 88 model Supras. Where the clock is on the dash is where the supermonitor was mounted. It calculated gas mileage, can tell you what trouble codes you have, trip information. I'm sure someone else who actually has one can tell you everything...
I'm going to keep taking baby steps so if I screw something up hopefully I'll be able to undo it. 300 is my first goal. Let me get there then we'll try the next level. I'm not made of money like the rest of you so and so's.
Well, found a white fender in the junkyard that's in so so condition, but better than the one on the car. Pics later. Just waiting for it to not be so hot outside before I swap it out. I will also put better door hinges on while the fender is off.
Also attempting to pull dash from blue car...
The Creepy Cat again.....must.....not.....look.....at.....his.....eyes
Yesss Master. Must Kill all white Supra Haters.
Going for 10 now.
Edit-New avatar coming soon, one not so dark.
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