I know I still haven't replaced it. A friend has one he can give me but hes about an hour away. Just haven't ran down there and picked it up yet.
1) Definitely a fuse
2) Yes, any other pins and the car wont even turn over.
3) I don't know if it has ever ran like this. Could you explain why it...
K so we tested a bunch of stuff on the ECU. Heres what we found.
We tested the negative to E1(ecu ground) and the positive to +B and +B1. We also tested the BATT pin (positive) to a body ground.
+B - Has no power going to it.
+B1 - Has power going to it.
BATT- Has no power going to...
K so I'm not sure that anyone even looks in here anymore but w/e.
I got a new ignitor/coil and figured out that i tested my old one wrong. So now I have two of them. I also found out I am getting no signal from the ECU to the Coil/ignitor.
Hey I'm trying to sell my car here but I see that I got kicked out. I dont know why, but anyway. They told me I have to post 50 times. There it go(?). G.
For the people who are trying to decipher it.
So I got a new ignitor coil because I tested the old one and thought it was bad. Wrong.
Checked for spark at the ignitor coil via the TSRM. No spark.
So we have come to the conclusion that the Coil/Ignitor isn't getting a signal to fire.
Going to check the ECU side of things now....
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