I went up to Abbotsford today and picked up my lenses, visited Randy at BIC Performance while I was near by, and then installed the lenses. I had to drill 3 holes in each lense in order to get them to stay down. What do ya'll think? Should I try and hide the back side of the light boxes where...
I went up to Abbotsford today and picked up my lenses, visited Randy at BIC Performance while I was near by, and then installed the lenses. I had to drill 3 holes in each lense in order to get them to stay down. What do ya'll think? Should I try and hide the back side of the light boxes where...
ViPEC has excellent customer service. They have a forum for technical support as well as getting very fast (sometimes within the hour) response if you send them an e-mail. Ray Hall is the main guy at ViPEC and I sent him an e-mail the other day to look at my map and see if he noticed anything...
It's not what I heard on the net, it's what people with first hand experience have told me. As for the ViPEC, I agree. Spend the extra cash to get the V88, it'll be worth every penny. I got lucky with my V88 and got it used (something you don't see often with the ViPEC's).
So John Reed is a rookie uneducated tuner just pushing buttons??? Seriously, I've talked to John about the AEM Gen 1's and he's tuned several cars with them that have failed due to hardware issues. The AEM 1st Gen's like to blow a chip (John said it was like $2 each and quick to replace)...
Doing it yourself will still run you about $50. So if you're willing to spend a few hours of time building a patch harness to save some cash, I say go that route.
That harness is for an AEM. You need a ViPEC harness. Like I said, just have Drift Office build the harness for you. Buy the ViPEC first and then have the harness built. It doesn't take that long do make it.
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