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  1. gaboonviper85

    Divorced Downpipe

    From purchase date too delivery how long did you wait? How well does it seal too the turbo? there a divider between the wastegate and turbo?....
  2. gaboonviper85

    funky_monkey58's build thread.

    It will change size a few thousandths...ruffly .003" give or take...I've already informed you of this...if that's a big deal who knows right now.
  3. gaboonviper85

    Stripped Targa Threads

    Targa lids have a twist too them...this twist helps them seal and too keep constant pressure as too help stop bolts from backing out....that's why they have the sticker near the visor telling you a sequence as it "does" matter.
  4. gaboonviper85

    funky_monkey58's build thread.

    Anodize doesn't make material stronger just makes it more wear/abrasion resistant....fine thread is generally stronger within reason funky:-(....locktite won't stop threads from deforming. You really should coil's not too late.
  5. gaboonviper85

    funky_monkey58's build thread.

    X10!!! You best coil them dude!
  6. gaboonviper85

    Dear Hispanic Men [No, not ALL of you]: ((NWS))

    If you lived on Florida you'd understand I guess....when you see a chevy suburban with 15" wire spoke wheels then you'd understand. I lived in Orlando, plantcity, and Tampa FL and I know exactly what the op is talking about as I've lived it and delt with it. Too all those talking/wishing too...
  7. gaboonviper85

    Dear Hispanic Men [No, not ALL of you]: ((NWS))

    Dude don't even take it know damn well that I'm not refering to you! If I had a problem with you then you'd know it and my tattoo artist/best friend is black...I have a problem with those that live up too stereo types...I don't see hydrolics on your supra with 12" gold wire...
  8. gaboonviper85

    cutout when reving

    WTF did you just say? Seriously man....
  9. gaboonviper85

    Has anyone got pictures of the interior? Needed for assembly.

    How about you post pics of all the pieces you have removed and we tell you where they go;-)
  10. gaboonviper85

    Engine woes...

    As far as replacing a clutch master/slave/brake master it's stupid simple and can easily be done on your own just research how too bleed a hydrolic system properly.
  11. gaboonviper85

    Engine woes...

    Brake fluid being low is a sign that you need brakes generally...... Coolant leaks are a sign of leaking hoses or bhg...usually never a waterpump problem so don't expect that too cure your issue...the pump is the very last thing I'd look at replacing...just remember that you can have a bhg...
  12. gaboonviper85

    Buying a Supra from another state, need advice please..

    Get a cheap round trip plane ticket for just one over and buy the car and drive back or not buy the car and fly back....
  13. gaboonviper85

    Driveline Vibration

    A trans won't cause ungodly vibrations no matter what's's either broke without question or smooth as ever! Did you have the ds balanced after you replaced the rear section?
  14. gaboonviper85

    Supra Tattoo

    Not my taste but even if you don't like supras you can appreciate the art...much better choice than "supra" tattooed on you.
  15. gaboonviper85

    Dear Hispanic Men [No, not ALL of you]: ((NWS))

    I notice this also! I've pointed it out too whoever I was with at any given time "hey those Hispanics are fucking staring at us"'s fucking annoying and they know it! in Philly the "brothers" stare also especially if you have a woman with you...thing is though, they will straight...
  16. gaboonviper85

    I need some input from the community

    Egr doesn't effect hp at all as it does work at over a certain percent throttle...egr only functions at low throttle/cruise.
  17. gaboonviper85

    Head gasket selection thickness questions

    Get the next larger size bore 85mm-86mm which ever....that's a little close for comfort.
  18. gaboonviper85

    my new 86.5 Supra

    Make an account on ....load your pics into photobucket....then when pics are in photobucket you'll want too copy the link under photo of your choice that has the in it....then paste that link in your supramania post.