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  1. Stretch

    For those of you who have torn the block apart: question

    When they did my oil driveshaft bearings the pump wouldn't spin freely at all! So I had them polish the pump until it spun freely ahahaa. Took 3 trips back and forth to the shop :icon_razz eric
  2. Stretch

    Tial V-Band waste gate

    It also looks killer! You forgot to say that figgie :icon_razz eric
  3. Stretch

    For those of you who have torn the block apart: question

    There's also a special tool for the freeze plugs too :icon_razz . Your machinist will do all that cool stuff for ya tho. eric
  4. Stretch

    block and paint question

    Another black block here. Next time I'm gona do some bright colour. Like a bright purple 2jz. eric
  5. Stretch

    For those of you who have torn the block apart: question

    Replace them or you're not cool. I paid for mine to be replaced, then whent to install the crank and noticed the holes were bare, yeah i was pisse, brought the whole block back to get the $20 bearings installed cuzy ou need the special tool to do it! Anyway, goodluck on your build Reign! eric
  6. Stretch


    tte, his name is Roy. Been done. Suprasport did the steel door sil plates, you could get plain, or MK3 or SUPRA engraved into them. $65/pair iirc Duane did the CF ones and they are on his personal car. He spoke of not doing them again also. eric
  7. Stretch

    Stretch's Digidash thread

    The real limiting factor for others to have one from me personally is the place Ifound that does moulding. IF they can make copies of atleast my harder to make parts then I could make more clusters. If I end up having to make each one by hand the labour would jump the price several hundred more...
  8. Stretch

    Should I spend all my money?

    Nothin wrong with internal gates, less mess! Ask IJ how he likes his internal gated gt35r :naughty: eric
  9. Stretch

    Should I spend all my money?

    Well just to lay down the ground level for you guys, sorry I didn't earlier I expected everyone to know me. I have no car, just an engine right now, so no car-related expenses to worry about. All i would worry about is not having any money to do anything, and possibly going into college with...
  10. Stretch

    Should I spend all my money?

    Ahaha you are all stereotypical car enthusiasts! I was hopeing I'd get some mixed feelings like those more financially motivated to have money for random occurances than blow it all on some turbos that'll sit on my engine for a long time. eric
  11. Stretch

    Should I spend all my money?

    I know it's all my decision in the end, but I'd just be curious as to what you guys would do. I want to buy the HKS twin turbo kit on ebay right now, and it'll cost me about $1075 shipped. If I bought this tho I would be using all of my spending money I have saved up thus far, meaning I would...
  12. Stretch

    Black smoke!? Diesel stylin it...

    He most deffinitely is refering to fmi. Front mount intercooler. The i and u on the keyboard are right next door so he just slipped I think. eric
  13. Stretch

    where to buy 7m's?

    There's several for sale in the correct section and can be had for $200 or less plus shipping. Look there first. p5150 has one still I think. eric
  14. Stretch

    Stretch's Digidash thread

    I bought mine from a member who had a spare. Guys usually get one with their 1JZ halfcut and they keep it cuz it's friggin wicked. ***BTW*** On a more related note, I have found a place that does moulding like vaccuum and injection moulding, so it might be possible after all for me to...
  15. Stretch

    performance suggestions

    Suprastore is not bad in my eyes. I ordered an hks super dragger back in the day from them, shipped promptly and arrived in about 3 days to me in Ottawa Canada. Shipping was fair, all prices were fair. Infact hpf is the one screwing me on shipping most of all anyway. Shop where your parts are...
  16. Stretch

    Stretch's Digidash thread

    I haven't taken a close look yet, although I doubt there is an actual swtich to turn between miles/km, I bet there is a way to do it. Since I'm located in Canada we use km anyway, so it's no sweat off my back :icon_razz but I might try figuring it out anyway for you yanks ahahaa. eric
  17. Stretch

    Bunny boilers, Train Wrecks... are there any "normal" ones?

    Ahahaha that's funny rakkasan. "Yeah, I sorta ruined the oven trying to coat some parts for my car" - She gives you that look "Yeah, so I was thinking a stainless steel one would look the best" ahahaaa eric
  18. Stretch


    It's much deeper and richer is person. Pics are useless. eric
  19. Stretch

    and another one bites the dust!

    Make a steel one. Won't bend like aluminum will, won't flex under pressure like rubber will. eric
  20. Stretch


    Nah man, teal cars GET chicks. Trust me, the colour is gorgeous when it's not flaking and being all 14 yrs old and stuff :icon_razz eric BTW targa is my fav. Nothing like it. It's not a full convert, and that's why it's even cooler.