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  1. Inygknok

    what is pps, turbo A, and group A ?!?

    Now, why would we do that when we could just bug ya into telling us the cliff notes version????? :naughty: :biglaugh:
  2. Inygknok

    Body work and paint assistance

    I'm sure some of you here by now have already read the well-known "tremclad roll on paint" thing on the mopart site. If you haven't (cuz you didn't bother reading it, haven't heard of it, or you're new to this forum...
  3. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    Oh well, guess I'll deal with that tomorrow. I'll either watch Saun of the Dead now or start my "Average Joe" Build Up thread..............
  4. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    Damn............ how much $$$ for a new one?
  5. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    Yeah I did. Here's 2 pictures. They look a bit blurry cuz the sony camera doesn't like close-up stuff. It won't focus right on them. What I did notice is that the sensor looks a bit odd inside... dunno if it's just me.
  6. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    No it's not. Give me 10 minutes while I go downstairs and take a good picture. It's a bit uncomfortable with the lower part of the intake manifold on, and I don't feel like carrying the tool box :P
  7. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    JAV, you were right on the plug to the right. It was for the tranny. Now, I do have one very odd problem. I can't find the plug for the second knock sensor (the one at the rear) anywhere! Any idea how it should look like? I've tried checking out any other plugs that I found disconnected...
  8. Inygknok

    egr vsv

    Since there is already a thread about VSV's.............. I removed the whole EGR thing on mine, even cut the clips for the VSV's. I remember having read around that all it would do is make the car have a bit of a weird idle at times unless I got an EMS or good piggyback, is that true?
  9. Inygknok

    paint job

    I'll finish reading that thread first. I think I left off on page 11. As soon as I read all of it, I'll start looking for the materials (yes I am still awake at 4am. Trying to stay up for 24 hours, 2 more hours to go and met a nice girl and I'm still chatting with her).
  10. Inygknok

    paint job

    I guess it's like that 69charger guy said, some people don't get the actual point of the whole process.
  11. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    And one of them isn't plugged in........ and I think I know which cable goes there.................. the one that kept looking at me.........
  12. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    It's not the CPS cuz the shot is from the driver's side of the engine............ and the cable doesn't reach all the way over there. Plus, my CPS is already connected and so is the knock sensor (which I'm betting is that knob thing near the 2nd cylinder). now, all the way back to about the...
  13. Inygknok

    paint job

    Still reading, going to REALLY sit down and throughouglhy (sp?) read as much as i can in about an hour. for now im just reading bit by bit while talking on MSN. BTW, if ANYONE knows exactly how "messy" this stuff gets, please tell me. If it's actually just a small mess, which I can cover...
  14. Inygknok

    another WTF are these cables thread

    Yeah yeah yeah....... why didn't I use the other thread? Cuz I know people were going to think that it was over with (hehe). Anyhow, help me out here a bit, and this time I didn't forget to upload the pics first. I need to know wtf are these cables for (again, and these are stock ones)...
  15. Inygknok

    Wtf is this cable?

    And mine's a manual........ I'm going downstairs now that the sun has died down a bit and I'm going to have a look. I'll probably find out and mention what it is in about an hour.
  16. Inygknok

    Wtf is this cable?

    Yea...... I thought the exact same thing. But just in case ya know? Now I just wonder wtf it's for... Guess I'm going to have to play Halo for 3 hours today......... :icon_conf
  17. Inygknok

    Write up and a pic-upload question

    I gotta stop forgetting my passwords.............. maybe should stop using a different one in each thing.......
  18. Inygknok

    Wtf is this cable?

    Sorry, was attaching the pics. They're up now. Camera was getting installed without even noticing.
  19. Inygknok

    Wtf is this cable?

    In the attachments, notice the cable that is spliced into 2. The original one is the cable that goes to the starter motor. Half way, it gets divided to another cable that goes through the firewall, as seen in another of the pictures. Now, the way it's all cut up (I covered it with red tape...
  20. Inygknok

    Write up and a pic-upload question

    I finally convinced myself on doing a write up on how I'm doing the work on my car. I think it'd be nice to do one in a way the "average Joe" (or college student with no deep pockets) could consider doing it. So if any admins see this, could I get the permission to do one? Aside from...