Are there any seals that need to be replaced?
I ask because I think my diff may be leaking and I want to drop it down tomorrow.
Things are getting hectic, but if I get the time I'll FINALLY be getting to replace my e-brake cable, and while Im under I want to take down the diff. and check it...
Take a pic of the car lighted at night, try and get it all in one shot so we can see it all incorporated together :)
I knew it wasn't an led too ;)
As for the pictures I'm interested in seeing the blue map lights in action because I was thinking about it but I put some white ones. All the...
Makes sense. Not what I'd expect though, but now that I know I can mess around with it. Thanks :)
Edit: not what I'd expect for a courtest light, but I don't know why I didn't figure that out. My head's been a little messed up lately :icon_razz
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