wow. although im not too suprised. there are more and more stupid people buying those electric blower things off ebay for $20-60. saw a brand new dodge ram this last summer )less than 500miles on the odo) that some tool had put something similiar on. the lengths people will go to for cheap...
hks super drager or a greddy sp (if you can find one as they are discontinued) will work fine for you. they are both quieter than your apexi is probibly and will work fine. what about possibly adding in a resonator?
stock is 6.8 psi. 10 psi with no other mods (intake/exhaust) is asking for trouble. you are pushing things too hard with too much restriction on the components. i suggest taking off the boost controller until after you get caught up mod wise.
GLAD TO HEAR I SAVED YA SOME TIME! turbos arent alot of fun to replace (6 in the last year) so i try and look for other signs before i pull things apart and check other things out. good luck man
i noticed on one of my old turbos that i had to install there was alot of play all around. after i put it on the car and got some oil flowing through it it tightened up alot to where there was "acceptable" shaft play. that old turbo probibly has been sitting w/o oil in it and this is leading...
and then....
also a neat site to check out. so in recap it is ILLEGAL to see a used cat unless you have it tested that it will work. i was unable to find mention of it with junkyards but i do know that the materials inside cats have been known...
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