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  1. tbcmorris

    Code 14, 24, 31, 34, 52

    I am going to second forced...that's what I had to do to. I bought a used harness and then the car wouldn't star. Went from one side of the ecu to the found a lot of wires miss pinned....2 days later she runs like a champ and I've not had an issue since
  2. tbcmorris

    N/A lsd diff

    For an 1/8 mile would help
  3. tbcmorris

    Mulholland Canyon Pics - PCH

    Mmmmmmmmm that's niceeeeeee. I'm jealous
  4. tbcmorris

    is this Fucked (pics inside)

    I would help but I don't see you wantin to ship that to CT :(....
  5. tbcmorris


    80 with moly I am looking at ARP's directions....idk why your tryin to torgue it 1 million lbs
  6. tbcmorris

    mk3 upgrades

    Apexi and tial....that filter is my old one;)
  7. tbcmorris


    Munky your misinterpeting something, its 80. I'm looking at my directions right now.
  8. tbcmorris

    Limit of Daily Driver HP??

    I am building mine to be a daily driven 500-550 on pump gas. I think that's doable. Just comes down to research, building it to be relaiable and handle that power...and MAINTENANCE
  9. tbcmorris

    Zombie blog!

    I enjoyed that a lot..I bookmarked it and will check for updates.
  10. tbcmorris

    Zombie blog!

    Clicking now
  11. tbcmorris

    World's Smallest Glass SM logo

    Lmao forced. Buckshot....those are awesome!!
  12. tbcmorris

    Something a little different... (pics)

    Wow I rode a 150hp sled and that was fast enough...300+ fuck me
  13. tbcmorris

    tons of questions wanna build my 7m right the first time

    Yeah I feel your lowballing the cost of building a srong was well ove 5. And slow66 is selling a built block...might as well grab that it will save you money plus he's awesome to deal with.
  14. tbcmorris Season Opener

    I didn't think sashs old car was that bad:(
  15. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    I'm not from west haven but I'm down that way a lot. So is foreverphyscotic. He meets with some people on the post road in milford at arbys...ill be comin down there soon also....I work at pruven so you can stop by there just let me know your comin...ill give you my number(in a pm) just ask if...
  16. tbcmorris

    offical 2009 Northeast Meets and Events

    i want to try and organize everything for us this year. any event worth going especially if its supra related. pm me the event and ill edit this post witha description and the time and place. March April May June July Augest Sept...
  17. tbcmorris Season Opener

    thats cuttin it real close for me but ll try to bring my supra
  18. tbcmorris

    White MK3 vs. dummy (CKY/Bam Marjera)

    i wouldnt post that in gen. its off topic for sure. damn funny though
  19. tbcmorris

    Vented hood

    thats pretty sweet too
  20. tbcmorris

    Project Clean 87

    wow looks great. semper fi