Search results

  1. Dunckel

    New to the Supra World...and I'm loving it!

    Welcome to the site. Good luck on the search. Anything in particular that you are looking for?
  2. Dunckel

    Zangetsu's Bankai: '92 Supra Twin Turbo

    sorry to hear joe.
  3. Dunckel

    interesting mail in my mailbox friday!

    Well, since there was no damage done, if you sue, you won't win. IMO.
  4. Dunckel

    SAFC settings

    well, IF, it is like the safc2, try going to etc, sensor type, and choose....karman ftw. if it's not at all like the safc2, then i have no clue. good luck. Ninja Edit: no one saw anything
  5. Dunckel

    So, what do you think Upgradedsupra will break next?

    nate's record :naughty:
  6. Dunckel

    SAFC settings

    To set it to karman sensor type, or to display the mhz on the monitor setting?
  7. Dunckel

    Who's drunk right now!?

    leaving to get drunk right now.
  8. Dunckel

    Anyone see this supra before?

    How many 93 mkIII's were built??
  9. Dunckel

    Come on I'm so tired of this shit.

    let us know how it turns out.
  10. Dunckel

    Come on I'm so tired of this shit.

    I don't think you will need a lawyer. The other two citations are nothing really, compared to a racing ticket. Fix your front plate before you go to court, apologize for "not yielding", and fight that racing ticket. Tell the judge you weren't racing. It can't be proven and there was no...
  11. Dunckel

    newbie from Virginia

    Welcome to the forum. Lots of good info, good people, and nice cars here. Do you have any pictures of your car?
  12. Dunckel

    Come on I'm so tired of this shit.

    The racing ticket should be written as "unlawful comparison of speed". Take it to court. If the no one else was cited (they weren't) then there wasn't a comparison of speed. No comparison of speed = no racing. Advice from a lawyer.
  13. Dunckel

    Face to names

    Ahh Will, you met my cousin?
  14. Dunckel

    Face to names

    Why is that, can you relate?:biglaugh: ? j/k relate.....relative.....:naughty:
  15. Dunckel

    Just a comment about my 89 turbo

    I think what GT was trying to say is, it's better to do it right. That way you learn it right. I would be very careful if I were you. (not saying your not) But you may end up breaking something that is very expensive. (wire harness) Welcome to SM. Buy a TSRM, or reference this from time to...
  16. Dunckel

    Check out these pistons! PURE SEX!! PICS!!

    I would have to buy two sets, one for the car, and one set just to look at.
  17. Dunckel

    96 v6 camaro vs my 90 7mgte

    I happen to be against street racing illegally. But, ask him if he wants to show up to renegade in a week or so. (whenever the next race is) I'll race him. If he wins, I will tell everyone on SM that I lost to a v6 camaro, and send him the link.
  18. Dunckel

    rear brake light failure light

    I lost you there. Are you talking about behind the dash, or under the actual taillight?
  19. Dunckel

    Timings Off

    You wouldn't happen to have a video, would ya? :biglaugh: