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  1. nosman4

    Profiling Machiner/Builder

    I had a torque plate made for my current build and it only cost me about $460. The aluminum was about $90 and the labor was $370. So I guess that makes 4-5 torqueplates in the country. LOL, I know there has to be more than that.
  2. nosman4

    Head maching questions

    As long as you have all the cam caps that came off that head, then you should have no problem putting them back on. All the cam caps have numbers on them, (I1-I7, E1-E7) "I" being intake cam and "E" being exhaust cam. I believe they also have arrows on them that you install pointing toward the...
  3. nosman4

    Help! Clutch issue!

    Yes, that is correct. You should try to find the leak and fix it if possible. It shouldn't be too hard.
  4. nosman4

    Supra vs Bus... Bus wins

    Damn, he must have been coming up on that bus fast to not be able to stop before hitting it.
  5. nosman4

    My experience with Andy at AZP

    Yeah, I too recieved great customer service from Andy. I only ordered his Oil Pump Supply kit, but it was shipped fast and is of great quality.
  6. nosman4

    Clutch Stiffness

    The way that I see it is that every car is different and the Slave vs. Master cylinder size varies between different car models. I just bought an ACT TS2-XTG6 for my 7MGTE/R154 setup, I havn't tried it yet, because I am still building the motor, but I'm sure the variances between cars and clutch...
  7. nosman4

    downpipe fitment

    I had mine seize up apparantly, because when I bought the car it was broken at the spot it crosses over the downpipe. I am planning to wrap the whole downpipe with exhaust heatwrap so it won't happen again.
  8. nosman4

    clutch problem

    I second what everyone else is saying. Do you have any freeplay? I would check that and adjust if needed.
  9. nosman4

    Whats the highest speed you have ever gone in the MKIII?(nws)

    Well being that I havn't really had my car running(bought it with a burnt up motor), I havn't driven it more than a few miles. Plus the speedo doesn't work, so I would guess about 30mph. Lol