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  1. lewis15498

    Is something wrong with this guy???? (8 min vid)

    Guy is completely of his rocker. If nothing else he should have been issued citations for Speeding, marked lanes, failure to stop, and maybe driving to endanger. HE called the cop scared, Im suprised he didnt come out gun drawn. this reminds me of a similar incident no too long ago...
  2. lewis15498


    Considering this is an intro thread, isnt that pretty much a given? I hope this is not how you introduce yourself to girls. "Hi, I'm new to your vagina," Tell us more!
  3. lewis15498

    New member, figured id make a introduction (ps pix of my car inside)

    Welcome to the greatest forum in the history of forums! Sick supra, good call posting pics, but you should know, us supramanians are never satisfied! We now want video! lol
  4. lewis15498

    Differential Fitment

    IIRC 87 is a 3.91, and 90 is a 3.73. Either will fit, keep in mind, your speedo is going to be off if you switch. Edit: Should have said this is turbo 5spd
  5. lewis15498

    You might be a Honda owner if.....

    As far as your concerned, this is a dyno. (notice at the bottom of the screen it can tell you the car is fast)
  6. lewis15498

    You might be a Honda owner if.....

    You rock a custom intake you "fabbed" out of PVC from Lowes and coupled it with an air filter that was cheaper than the fram that was meant for it. Your ultimate aspiration is NAWWWSSS!!! You still havent figured out that rubber thing on the rear fenderwell is what causes that rust spot...
  7. lewis15498

    You might be a Honda owner if..... want a reliable, daily driver that sports low maintenance and great milage at an economical you dont have to deal with 10000 door dents in your supra, or have to deal with driving the supra in the rain/snow/exc. or dealing with civilian paparazzi every time you try to fill your...
  8. lewis15498

    Click click, BANG!!!!

    I'll be the one to point out you dont have leaf springs. As far as syncros go, to my knowledge unless one were to split apart they are only going to give you problems when your trying to engage a gear. I cant imagine the decel noice being caused by a syncro. If it were to break apart it would...
  9. lewis15498

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    So I spent a solid 10 hours setting up my new truck to plow. This was in the pouring rain at 40F until around 7 where it turned to snow. Come to find out the pump motor on the plow is trash. Cold soaking wet and miserable I get a call to plow a lot for $150 around 11pm as I realize this. I'm...
  10. lewis15498

    Code 51, and TPS question.

    Makes sense, that was just the conclusion I had drawn from taking them apart and studying them. Better to know the right answer. Thanks again!
  11. lewis15498

    Pallet send to Germany

    Isnt it cheaper to just build new pallets than to ship them overseas? Most shippers around here dont even want them back, we burn them.
  12. lewis15498

    Code 51, and TPS question.

    Ok that makes sense. I was thinking that the film was there to create resistance between the wiper and the track under the film. I am speaking more generally because I have yet to take a supra TPS apart. Thanks for clearing that up! I now know better.
  13. lewis15498

    JDM 7M Swap??

    low mileage and JDM dont belong in the same sentence unless the motor came in a front clip and odometer, but thats besides the point. USDM Supras run EGR, JDM do not, hence JDM motors are not equipped with a EGR system. You have two choices, you can put an EGR system on your JDM motor, or...
  14. lewis15498

    JDM 7M Swap??

    The ecu from the car or the motor?
  15. lewis15498

    My rental car (not bad for an auto v6 ford)

    We're all counting on you to beat the snot out of that thing before you bring it back!
  16. lewis15498

    JDM 7M Swap??

    Are you using a JDM ecu?
  17. lewis15498

    My 89T

    Thats a clean supra, and excellent photos! Good looks man, good luck with the swap!
  18. lewis15498

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    Thats pretty rediculous.... .....Fuck you Al Gore!
  19. lewis15498

    JDM 7M Swap??

    lol just checkin. Assuming you went with EGR, If you didnt use a toyota gasket for the EGR cooler I suggest you get one before you put it in. The Felpro paper ones do not hold up and its a bitch and a half to try and change it while the motor is in the car. Motor mounts?
  20. lewis15498

    JDM 7M Swap??

    Thermostat Head gasket Machine work ARP Studs JDM ECU or EGR system A can of Fail-o-way (can substitute with fail-b-gone)