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  1. K

    Serious Pwnage!!!! unbeliavable.....

    Repost. Good for one more laugh though!
  2. K

    Winner ROTM: November - Kenneth O. - tookwik4u89

    If I go, I'll fly down to bama and ride up with vixen :icon_bigg
  3. K

    Home Owners - Any Advice?

    Good advice ^^ Another important thing is location. Look at the crime rate in the area, make sure that there aren't low income housing near or lots of apartments. That is where most crime happens (at least around me). In my area 90% of the crime is about a 1/2 mile away in all the...
  4. K

    Winner ROTM: November - Kenneth O. - tookwik4u89

    They probably know my girlfriend. Her screen name is kwnatescarsux They're probably members and spend all night talking about hating our cars, and tactics on how to divert the cash to them. Ugh...
  5. K

    Winner ROTM: November - Kenneth O. - tookwik4u89

    yes... Check one thing off, add another 3. It's worth it. Are you putting a cage in yours?
  6. K

    Winner ROTM: November - Kenneth O. - tookwik4u89

    Have you been reading my todo list?????
  7. K

    ROTY- SEMI-FINALS Match #1 Nate - kwnate Vs. Kenneth - tookwik4u89

    Thanks tookwik, Your car has come a long way and is deserving of the attention it gets! I know you're not done and I can't wait to see it progress. We would be pretty close on the track, God damn autos holding boost the whole time... I need to learn how to drive my car before I can start...
  8. K

    Winner ROTM: November - Kenneth O. - tookwik4u89

    I'm a whore, can I play?
  9. K

    1jz = Torque Monster!

    1jz's are for pussies, who in their right mind would want a smaller motor with more power (stock), a smoother powerband, and a higher redline? Plus according to ricers, 2 turbos are better then 1. I'm of course kidding about the pussies, I've ridin in one and I want one. Who...
  10. K

    Anyone know what rims these are?

    lmfao!!! Guys, he knows they're ugly as fuck! Now help him get rid of em :biglaugh: I wouldn't post them FS here, try craigslist.
  11. K

    Look what I bought myself for Christmas

    They're black, they aren't painted from the factory. They are color matched mouldings. They don't age the same as paint.
  12. K

    Winner ROTM: November - Kenneth O. - tookwik4u89

    I pm'd Supracentral about it, he said Jeff is in charge of that. I haven't gotten around to telling him to take that shit down :biglaugh:
  13. K

    How many miles are on your supra?

    91t w/ 89k. 1,500 on rebuild :biglaugh:
  14. K

    Look what I bought myself for Christmas

    Sweet car Joe, It's sexy.
  15. K

    new to supramania

    Welcome! 8 months is a long time :( I have a wiring harness :icon_bigg
  16. K

    Those with two Fuel Pressure gauges...

    Put a brass tee fitting in the the pressure port of the fpr. Run a gauge out one side and a fuel pressure sensor out the other (for the cabin gauge).
  17. K

    Heya, new to forums.

    Welcome, I still have that 3 piece wing when you're ready :icon_bigg
  18. K

    FORCEDTORQUE Breaks Out the Pearly White's

    Sweet, glad your back in a supra. Even if it needs some tlc ;) Good luck bud!
  19. K

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    :withstupi Overall looking great, its nice to see you're not overlooking the important things ;)