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  1. lewis15498

    New aero for car but cant decide- Opinions?

    Out of the choices given I would say the demon, but i dont really like any of them.
  2. lewis15498

    I'm ashamed of my grandma.

    Is she drinking wiskey too? I love her.
  3. lewis15498

    High oil pressure?

    Because someone reads it and learns from it. Maybe not the op or anyone else who has posted, but people do read it and learn from it. I personally learned a ton from reading posts you made in the past.
  4. lewis15498

    horn noise from intake

    Your minute has come and gone broski. Put it on youtube, then link it here.
  5. lewis15498

    horn noise from intake

    Hmmm.... check to see if your bypass valve is working correctly.
  6. lewis15498

    High oil pressure?

    The issue is after the engine has warmed up so it makes no difference wether he is using 0w-30 or 10w-30, its the same viscosity. OP: The oil is not the cause of the problem here, but you still need to use 5w-30 or 0w-30. The first number is the viscosity cold. The higher the viscosity...
  7. lewis15498

    horn noise from intake

    Inspect the inside of the filter and everythign from the point where the air actually enters the system all the way to the turbo. Could be a piece of plastic packaging wrap. Plastic packaging in a tube thats getting air pulled through it can make crazy kazooo like noises.
  8. lewis15498

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    The ruger mkiii is a great gun for plinking/target shooting. It will likely be my next purchase. If youre looking for personal protection buy something else first. I bought the sig sauer p239 and love it, but that was expensive. Theres a lot of cheaper options out there that are easy to...
  9. lewis15498

    Who wants to help?

    In that case I'll have to send some out! Hopefully they dont get hooked on it they will have to move to NE when they get back as there are no Honey Dews outside of NE. In that case I will order some plastic forks to throw in the box too.
  10. lewis15498

    7MGTE head torque order

    No problem. Bookmark that page, The TSRM contains the answers to many questions like this you will have in the future.
  11. lewis15498

    what did they do to this supra...

    Even hommer would have been offended by this...
  12. lewis15498

    7MGTE head torque order

    What do you want? TSRM! When do you want it? NOW!
  13. lewis15498

    MA RI supras

    I still havent done shit with mine...
  14. lewis15498

    who here is left handed?

    I am left preferred abidextrous as well. I think a greater percentage of left handed people are abidextrous compared to the percentage of right handed people because we grew up in a world where many things were designed for right handed people.
  15. lewis15498

    Airbag fail

    I agree with the guy on turbo bricks. They dont go off, theyre not designed too. Thats why my VW caught fire, it was designed to. eye em sofa king we todd ed.
  16. lewis15498

    Machinist installed cam guide hold downs I SOL

    When you go to the shop ask him if he went to school here. I hear they have a state of the art training center.
  17. lewis15498

    Machinist installed cam guide hold downs I SOL

    Considering the amount of damage that may have been caused coupled with how stupid of a mistake this is (they are clearly labeled), I would be taking this guy to small claims. Get plenty of photos to document this in case your engine tanks.
  18. lewis15498

    tailight conversion

    Yes you just need the center piece as well. If you can convert one way (which you can) than you can convert the other way as well. Also, considering almost everyone on here prefers the 89+ look, you can probably find someone on here that would be more than happy to trade their pre 89 set for...
  19. lewis15498

    Who wants to help?

    Jay is there any way to check if they have a coffee brewer? I'd love to send him some preground coffee, but that would suck if they had no brewer...
  20. lewis15498

    1st thread.(for me)

    Out of curiosity did the hacker get caught?