this isn't your average kit..
you paint the body, clear it, cut it out of the mold and carefully and painfully cut out the stickers and apply them..
you then mount them on an RC body, and have your fun..
R/C cars seem small, but hobbies like this can cost thousands....
is your frame straight..?
are you using any washers, or OEM bolts..?
also, try to get in contact with other buyers, and see if it's a design flaw, or if it's a unique case..
Welcome sir! If there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask. However there is an insane amount of information on this site. The search button is your friend.!
the w58 has a push-type clutch, while the R154 has a pull, so it COULD have possibly been crank walk, but since you figured it out, then it's all good, just keep that in mind..
I like the rear view minus the taillights and of course the exhaust, someone should make a wide body that replicates it...
it appears to be a 91/92 from the interior, but the reason it looks so strange is because the molding is supposed to be shaved, and this one retains it...
may have jumped off the track..
yeah, definitely take the headliner off, and inspect. Make sure you don't hit the button wtih your finger in there though, might slice it right off..!
I'm running this bad boy in my 89..
I love it, because you can unscrew it, loosen the screw holding the plastic threader in place, pull it out, and turn it, and it'll sit higher than usual, by about an inch and a half. So after install my short-throw, I'm going to raise the knob to look...
a good ebrake will hold your car no matter what..
I'd replace the shoes, since we use shoe in drum e-brakes, so two or three good yanks while "drifting" and they're gone...
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