I didn't perform the test, I believe that was the man BIC himself. I did notice a difference in power switching from the RT 3" to the BIC DDP, but I never dyno'd before and after.
Instead of the two separate gas streams having to share a pipe, they each have their own. It is louder but only during boost when the wastegate opens. The exhaust stream from the turbo is routed like a normal dp, while the wastegate stream gets dumped to the ground. If you get the version...
Yes. The stock ECU has its airflow map based on a set AFM size. If you change the AFM size the ECU has no way of knowing. Larger AFM, basically changes the A/F ratio as you're getting more air for the same fuel, as a side effect your FCO is raised. The change in A/F ratio is the reason you...
You might experience a slight exhaust leak sound from a divorced downpipe. It's pretty hard to make a perfect seal in there. Look around for leaks though, especially from the exhaust manifold to head and exhaust manifold to turbo gaskets, those can reduce your power.
Shuto Kousoku Trial http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454548/
They made quite a few of them, some of the movies featured the Mk3 as the main race car and then later the Mk4.
Low, but not low enough to be causing surging through richness. Turbo's do have a sweet spot, at 10 psi you're just wasting that turbo, you might as well be running a stock one. Crank it up to 20 and see how the car runs.
Could be the sensor, could be the wiring. Your symptoms still match either condition, but 99% of the time the fault is in the wiring. The AFC2 install could also be causing the code, it depends on where and how well you tapped. Personally I know the ECU is picky about knock sensors so I'd be...
Looks like an eBay HKS knockoff. Just about any of the BOV's that are set to recirculate will be about the same noise level. You'd actually lose more BOV noise by going back to the stock airbox.
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