Congrats, Moe!! Collin and I saw that on Craigslist and thought about contacting the owner but figured we couldn't afford it. Apparently we could've... D'oh! :D Enjoy though, it's a gorgeous car!!!!!!
I LOLed loud enough that my roommate came out wondering what was going on. Thanks for the great entertainment, guys!
BTW, I'm in for more of that steamy 7M XXX :D
Yikes! Sounds like you wanted to be in the running for a Darwin Award!
Just kidding... glad you're okay and came away with nothing more than a smooth spot and a jolt.
Ooooh, that would be so much fun! And the shops are big enough that everyone could work on their cars at the same time, so no arguing over who gets shop time. :) Too bad I'm stuck down in CA for a bit.
If you're not already on the MR2 forums, my favorite is There are a lot of knowledgeable people on there as well as listings for parts/ cars for sale.
I vote for trying to save it if you're able- I've had three MK1 MR2s (two were supercharged) and they're great little cars. I know what you mean about doing this on a budget though, so I'd suggest planning out the worst-case scenario costs (engine, brakes, tranny) and figuring out if that's a...
I emailed my pic to you this evening. Let me know if you have trouble getting it; it had a 7.5MB attachment so I hope it came through okay.
I'd love to get one or more of my cars in- I'll see about getting them cleaned up and taking pics. I have a 10.1MP camera so I can get high-res. shots. Also, if anyone near Auburn/Sacramento, CA wants to get together I'd be happy to shoot their car as well since I'm down here for a while.
One other thing worth mentioning- plastic feeding bowls have often been linked to feline acne, so if that's what you use you may want to switch to steel or ceramic. I've used plastic bowls as long as I've had my girls (6 years) with no problems, but they're all different. I used to work for a...
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