Here's a video of the car just before towing it back to my house. It should be started by tomorrow hopefully.
So using this site to order PTFE Braided -6an line (30ft) = $105 Roughly
(Dustin showed me this site)
Got all this. Except injectors wanted to be sure i got the right ones.
Just want to make sure this is correct before ordering...
In the process of buying all my fuel system shit and this shit i don't want to mess up as it's very pricey lol.
So Injectors ID1000's for a 2jzgte are the one's i need? ($720)...
So today is the day I wanted to have my car running by but it looks like I failed lol.
Also its my Birthday.
Things left to do
Heater core hoses
Vac lines and coolants lines for throttle body
Upgrade Fuel injectors/rail/fuel lines/pumps
Roll cage
Don't need to close the thread it was useful for me.
I learned that ill need a new wastegate spring as I'm running the same wastegate you are.
Let me know what you find and where you find a spring for the wastegate
Thanks Albert helps a lot.
I'm thinking about taking the last money i have and finishing the fuel system and getting Dahn's to build me a roll cage like Tyler's
Personally if there's nothing that's intimate or along those lines in those photos I would probably contact them or send it to them with a note.
If there is it could be embarrassing for them and might be best just destroyed in your hands and left alone.
Either way tough decision
I've had 2 Different DM kits although the pipes fit to the car I choose to modify both of my kits to work.
I've also installed the new Dm style 7m kit and it does work but with a bit of imagination.
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