^^^I didn't think he was. I don't can't remember which Dr. does harness work. DrTweak or DrChill.
Edit- It's Dr Tweak. PM him, he might be able to help you. He does a lot of harness extensions and modifications.
Oh, and here's something else my car is going to get. I'll get it in Houston...can't wait!!!!!! And yes, it's a e-brake boot straight from Toyota!
Thank you Lincoln!!
New Parts! I love new parts, and so does the kitty.
Now hopefully I can get them installed tomorrow.
Flew to Zacatecus Mexico today on a medical flight. The Corona brewery is there. Oh yeah, I got me some Corona. They sell at the FBO (it's like a terminal).
OMG! A Celebrity?? I haven't seen one of those in years. Did not know there were any still around. When I worked for Enterprise Rent a Car we had shitloads of them.
There's already a bullshit PETA thread lurking around. Supracentral posted an excellent series of videos from Penn & Teller named appropriately, Bullshit. It exposes PETA as the militant wack job extremists they really are.
I beg to differ...
What you do is incredible. Glad to finally see an update. I was up in your neck of the woods last week, but I was doing a medical flight. All work, no play.
Ok, first of all make sure the transmission has fluid. ;)
Make sure all the plug are plugged into the harness.
Was the shift arm of the transmission all the back when you hooked it up to the shift lever? Park would be pulling the arm all the way back towards the back of the transmission...
I picked up the radiator yesterday. It only cost me $20 bucks for them to patch that hole in the upper tank and then to flush and rod out.
I went in late to work yesterday so I could go pick it up and ended up having a little wreck in my truck! Dickweed in a Chrysler 300 tried to merge into...
Well happy birthday! Hope you get that car going soon!
I'll be 40 in June. I'm afraid I'm going to have to actually pay attention to this one.:naughty:
Congratulations!!! You took the risk to show us you can eat cold, left out over night pizza, and stay away from the toilet. You've cheated death, or at least some hard core diarrhea.:biglaugh:
The cars appears to be in very nice condition. I just wonder how a nice 92 ended up in a lot like that and with the oil gauge like it is makes me suspect this car has a JDM engine in it. If you don't swap out the oil sending unit on a JDM, it will fry the USDM oil pressure gauge. If the car is...
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