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  1. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Just as a note, I didn't do brakes for over a dozen years with this car... then with the ADDED HP of ongoing power adders, I finally made the investment in Andy's kit (ARZ Wilwood's) and WOW! The SINGLE MOST IMPRESSIVE upgrade I made in 16 years! SUCH a different car with good brakes! I...
  2. crisp

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    DOH! Serves me right for coming in after a dry spell without going back a bit! I had a black '84 and a white '87 (NA) and BOTH colors are awesome on either year, in my opinion!;) -crisp
  3. crisp

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    The body and paint look EXTRA clean on that one! What's the story? (Southern State vehicle... little old lady driver... anal retentive CPA owner who only drove on holiday's...:biglaugh:) -crisp
  4. crisp

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    Reminds me of my '84 BLACK wearing 245 rubber on the stock rims sitting low on Tokiko/Suspension Techniques setup. Finally sold it with quarter million HARD miles on it... STILL a great car! with deference to the "old" Bloom County cartoon strip... perhaps "Milo's Meadow" instead of...
  5. crisp

    My TD06-20G Rebuild DIY

    Great job! Nice write up, too. Doesn't it need dynamically balanced, too? (Or is that only if you change something more than seals...?) KUDOS for taking on the rebuild over sending it out! (PS: I'd like to leave SEVERAL lingering projects I have laying around for your DAD to come across...
  6. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Looks good! Please post progression pics and details on your meth/water kit install and tuning! That's one of the next items on my list, as well! (Are you doing the AEM kit?) -crisp
  7. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    No modifications done with AEM's "True Time" gears (previous series, as they have new one's out as well, I think. Mine are the 3 bolt, new are 5.) Sorry to hear you have to "trim" bolts, etc... nice to see you can make it work, all the same!;) -crisp
  8. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Wow, Dave! You made that sound almost elegant!:) -crisp
  9. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Just checking in here, too!;) What cams are you running again? Are you planning some cam timing changes as well? I'd be interested in what your experience is if you "play" with the timing with bigger bumps... especially if you do it ON a dyno with objective feedback! G/L on the target power...
  10. crisp

    OHIO thread

    No question about it. If one has the money and wherewithall to do it "right" and actually restore the car well, it would be a neat project. I'd think you should pick it up for closer to a grand. If you consider what it costs to buy a rough "muscle car" these days, it's a real bargain, but...
  11. crisp

    OHIO thread

    Looks pretty rough for 2 large.;) -crisp
  12. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    No problem! Biggest difference I encountered is that the fuel curve is MUCH more contingent upon BOOST + RPM with heavy bias on BOOST LEVEL at any given RPM then simply RPM alone. When you are trimming the fuel level as an RPM specific variable, you are assuming the boost level to be...
  13. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    Thanks! The car is doing almost TOO well! Runs so good I almost feel "guilty" or even like it's a ticking... ticking... ticking... (can't bring myself to say it...) SHAZZZAAAAM! Every time I mash the throttle...:biglaugh: -crisp
  14. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    Of course! Lately, my scanner has been "down" but I use my Ricoh and shoot a photo. The FCD manual I posted earlier is exactly that! Quick and hopefully legible and usable files. I'll have to get to it later though. (I think I have a number of pdf files on HKS manuals... I'll have to scan...
  15. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    I have personally NEVER run it WITHOUT the FCD. Car had ONLY PFC F-con and FCD and EVC I when I started out. Later the VPC then the 440cc to 550cc injector & chip change. I DO KNOW that if the FCD ground came loose even AFTER I had the VPC and such, it DID cause me to have fuel cut...
  16. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    Dilithium Crystals, actually!;) ...speaking of gizmos... I made some adjustments to the other alphabet soup letters while I was fooling around... Switched the GCC's graphic adjustment points to boost from rpm recently, and just shifted the scale from 0.4hg 0.0hg 0.4 0.8 1.2 to 0.6 0.0...
  17. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    Hmmm... I'd say by the pics you sent before that your harness has been "tapped" into before, but I don't know which connections from what I could see. Look in the "general" segment I illustrate with my pics and sift through the wires, as there SHOULD be either a soldered "tap" from the original...
  18. crisp

    Chunks' Build

    Got it! Thanks! (Might be experiencing a bit of spark blowout at the moment... just now working through that...) -crisp
  19. crisp

    Chunks' Build

    (SORRY to thread jack, Chunks! Gotta ask...) So Dan, running the 550 chip CHANGES the behavior of the timing curve of the ECU? What do you mean by "marred"? BACK to thread!;) -crisp
  20. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    Had some questions over the years on FCD wiring. This is the "K-Type" for the PFC F-con into the TP-14 harness. This harness attaches directly into the stock ECU. I can only speak for my experience, and I'll limit the post to the HKS FCD Manual + Pictures illustrating MY case... but questions...