Search results

  1. Zazzn

    Where's the thread for: "How to install a ct/26 on a tubular manifold"?

    any tube manifold on a ct26 is a waste of time.. big waste of time... stock mani will handle 550 easily.
  2. Zazzn

    Ct26-60 trim dyno results....;)

    good numbers man
  3. Zazzn

    will be flying in to DFW any supra freeks?

    ah doesn't look like i can make the meet since i fly out at 8 pm on the 21st.. :( sucks... Chi town is next on the mac show conference... Dallas is a cool city... wish I could live down here for a bit, nice warm weather, great cement roads asking for high HP ;P
  4. Zazzn

    will be flying in to DFW any supra freeks?

    naw i'm there on the 21st flying out 22nd!
  5. Zazzn

    will be flying in to DFW any supra freeks?

    Want to meet up and show me around!?!? flying in on the 20th and just staying till the night of the 21st
  6. Zazzn

    What to use for datalogging AF Ratios? (ZT-2 or LC-1)

    zt2 has the best logging software ever.
  7. Zazzn


    BLAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAH Good job man finally! it's been a long time coming!!! that's for sure.
  8. Zazzn

    flashing third brake light

    It's good to warn people you are stopping it grabs the attention which should make you stop.
  9. Zazzn

    R.I.P Supramike7m

    Too young too short... Hope you have found peace now up there brother.
  10. Zazzn

    Lamarossa....................back from the dead

    You know what's funny?!? All the people that used to bash hard on Lam are out of the supra game... Funny how they "though" they where supra guys... Lam your true supra.. err Ferrari guy! welcome back... So what mods do you have on her now?
  11. Zazzn

    quake vs 9.0l 540ci camaro!!!

    good kill... I was about to say 700 on a 67 with out cams is well not true at only 23 psi. But you said crank which sounds about right. Did 647 on 24 Psi with cams. pump and meth 50/50 mix. car ran awesome.