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  1. Stanzaspeed

    Lemme Hear Your Exhaust

    if you can get a vid id like to see it! :icon_bigg
  2. Stanzaspeed

    My Car - PICS!

    im lovin the wheels! and a real TT-R like mine! very nice car! :icon_bigg
  3. Stanzaspeed

    Career thread!

    Sportrider: pretty interesting resume! Mg89: i think id like crab fishing and id certainly like the money, but im not a big ocean person. i love fishing but being in the middle of nowhere on a crab boat would make me uneasy.
  4. Stanzaspeed

    Career thread!

    yea traffic sucks. i think heavy equipment operating would be kinda fun for a few days, pushin dirt around and all.
  5. Stanzaspeed

    Career thread!

    Nate: how do you like driving truck? i only have mah hye skewl too and wouldnt mind driving a truck or heavy equipment to make some more money compared to the stupid crappy ultrasound job i have now. Grim: you should hire me. :) i think im too dumb / uneducated to be anything else but a...
  6. Stanzaspeed

    Career thread!

    SH: you sound like me! im not a big fan of sitting at a desk all day either.
  7. Stanzaspeed

    Career thread!

    well im trying to figure out what to do with my life before i go back up north to the middle of nowhere to do a job i hate for hardly any money, so i decided id ask what my fellow supra nuts careers are. so list off what you do for a living, what education you have, and what you do at work...
  8. Stanzaspeed

    Cure for the withdrawls of being without a supra?

    im in a simaler situation myself. im working up north to try and figure out what i want to do with my life while my car sits parked almost 8 hours south. when i go back north to work i dont even have internet access to come on SM or go look at car parts :( i just hang out with friends and try...
  9. Stanzaspeed

    Personal Defence Railgun anyone?

    make one, ill buy it :naughty:
  10. Stanzaspeed

    Personal Defence Railgun anyone?

    i want one! i wish i didnt fail at electronics id love to make a bigger scale one! :love:
  11. Stanzaspeed

    I found what I want for my next upgrade!!!

    Best upgrade evar! :naughty:
  12. Stanzaspeed

    Who's drunk right now!?

    I was, then i unleashed the fury and threw up twice before passing out on my brothers bed. the moral of this story is that drinking games involving foot ball should not be played when the teams playing are so terrible you are drinking a drink every minute tops :barf:
  13. Stanzaspeed

    battlefield 2142

    lolz is it really that bad for bugs in the game?
  14. Stanzaspeed

    battlefield 2142

    from what i have seen its BF 2 X 1000 kay?:icon_bigg
  15. Stanzaspeed


    Happy birthday Shaeff!
  16. Stanzaspeed

    Who's drunk right now!?

    lol they were cheap ass vans. the dumb ass robbed me for nothing all i got was a busted lip and broken nose. all that pissed me off was that was out likre $40 for shoes but i got a pair for free so it was all good :D
  17. Stanzaspeed

    battlefield 2142

    thats what i was hopin for! i want to play it so bad but my compy sucks to much :'(
  18. Stanzaspeed

    battlefield 2142

    im pissed caue i cant steal a torrent file that worls so i cant play it. ill buy it when i have a better compy cause it looks awesome!
  19. Stanzaspeed

    Who's drunk right now!?

    i walked into a bar in the lil mining town where i work that im not accepted. i am a skater / drunk / outcast and it is a dance bar for dancers /drug dealers / social hot cats and i started telling off some guy and he sucker punched me in the side of the face when iwasnt looking and ran away...
  20. Stanzaspeed

    Who's drunk right now!?

    later is always better when you got booze to drink! except when you get your nose broke and your shoes stole... but thats another story for another time, lol!