I enjoyed the movie it was pretty good. Could have been better and followed the actual story line but which movie does?? I liked it, good movie.
you guys need to remember that the filmmakers know what they are doing. do u really think that no one involved in the film new that juggaraut was not a mutant? of course they changed stuff. if juggy was in it from part one then they could have elaborated on the fact that he wasnt a mutant but since he was on screen for like 15 min then it wouldnt make sense to like 99 percent of the movie going public. same with the Phoenix. if they would have said, "oh by the way Jean, your power comes from an alien entity force and there will be alien shaar(sp) people coming to destroy you..." most people that arent fanboys would have been like "WTF? whered that come from?"
marvel universe has too many great characters and storylines to tell in a movie that is less then 2 hours.
there are talks of spinn offs like a Wolverine solo movie so it should stay closer to the comics because it will have time to do so.
Tanya said:I think there's too many people whining about "not following the comics".
quoted from SF.
Another point made was that there's supposedly unlimited universes in the comics.
I am fan of both comics and the movies, and I enjoyed The Last Stand immensley. I thought the suspense was great, especially not knowing what happened to Scott, and then Xavier. Phoenix was done so intensley, it was great. And for whoever missed the clip after the credits, you suck! :biglaugh:
Justin727 said:well im not in any way whinning about it not following because the RE movies didnt follow either. The first one was so far off its not funny but it was still good.
I stayed to watch the clip at the end. alot of people didnt tho hahaha!
There is going to need to be a 4th one with an ending like that!