Your 1JZ-GTE And 2JZ-GTE Swap Guide For Dummies Discussion Thread!


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
I am sure you guys have seen my huge write up of the most recent JZ swap info, here is the link if you haven't seen it.

Your 1JZ-GTE And 2JZ-GTE Swap Guide For Dummies

The old threads were getting clutter with the "good job" kind of post and I just wanted to keep the thread free of any non-informative post. Any discussion/thanks can be done here

Thanks to Rakkasan for letting me know the mistake about the 1.5JZ head gasket. I will update the thread as soon as a mod gets back to me on how to do that as it is currently locked and stickied.

Thanks Everyone!


  • I Have Added Info For The 1.5JZ Head Gasket Selection And Given Due Credit To Rakkasan
  • Added Compression Calculator In LINKS Section
  • Added Lexus Union Bolt Modification With Link Located In LINK Section
  • Added Link to Combustion Chamber Volume Measuring Kit in LINKS section
  • Added Hydro Pump As An Option For The 1.5JZ
  • Added ATI Pulley As An Interchangeable Part; Will Add Belt Info As Soon As I Get It
  • Added Socket Size For ARP Head Studs
  • Added 2JZ Head Gasket On 1JZ Head And Block Works
  • Added 1JZ-GTE/2JZ-GTE Torque Specs (They Are The Same)
  • Added Alternator Wiring
  • Added Spark Plug Info
  • Added 1JZ-GTE Oversized Valve Info.
  • Added Resistor Pack Wiring For Injector Upgrade
  • Valve Seals Info
  • Head Bolt Tool Removal Info
  • Flywheel Difference Between W58/1JZ
  • 1JZ Supra And Soarer Pinouts Added
  • MKIV Mount Information Added
  • 2JZ USDM/Aristo Pinout Added
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Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Holy tits, +1 for a great thread i'm reading through it now to try and add my own input on it if everything hasn't been covered yet.

I am personally running a 2.5MM Boost Logic Headgasket, i also use a sandwhich plate on my oil filter housing as a turbo feed and i run the line under the timing cover with no issues. I am still using the hydro pump as well so this can also be kept if they do not choose to go with e-fan/clutch setup right away if they have everything already like i did.

I also run a ATI Super Damper with a 770K6 Belt from autozone. I will verify the belt size in the AM.

Damper is for a 2J but can be used on a 1J.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
I am personally running a 2.5MM Boost Logic Headgasket.

I figured the 2JZ head gasket was right after talking to a few members. It was a mistake of mine for not FULLY reading Suprahero's thread past where he posted he used a 1JZ head gasket.

Also use a sandwhich plate on my oil filter housing as a turbo feed and i run the line under the timing cover with no issues.

This is only for a GE block. You wouldn't do that on a GTE block for a 1.5JZ. The 2JZ-GE oil cooler housing with the bolt tapped for a 1/8th line works well. That will be added.

I am still using the hydro pump as well so this can also be kept if they do not choose to go with e-fan/clutch setup right away if they have everything already like i did.

I listed the clutch setup as the better option. You can see in the initial post, I said you could use the hydro setup but if you want to avoid all the lines and it being bad or leaking, the USDM pump setup is the way to go and parts are readily available which is a huge plus!

I also run a ATI Super Damper with a 770K6 Belt from autozone. I will verify the belt size in the AM.

Wheather it is a 1JZ or a 2JZ the belt should be the same, get me the part number and I will list it as an optional thing to do.

Thanks for the input, get that info to me as soon as you can!


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
No problem Andy, it's just that I've seen first hand the damage that the wrong head gasket can do to a motor. Here's what I believe is the correct method:

I want to give some incite as to how to properly determine the head gasket thickness needed to achieve your target compression ratio during your build. I am putting this together to help those building 1.5JZ’s, but the principals apply to all builds. It takes more time than just buying parts right from the start, but it will help you get the results you want to achieve.

First, it all starts with planning; you have to decide what it is you’re after. You can’t buy the parts that someone else has and expect the same results they got. I was guilty of this years ago, and it cost me a lot of time, heartache and most of all, money. For instants, Jay Hayes (Suprahero) motor and mine are VERY similar, yet completely different. He has a bigger turbo, more aggressive cams and he runs methanol, but the rest is almost the same. Both cars make a lot of power, but they make it very differently. I think one of the main reasons for the huge difference comes down to two things: the prior planning and compression ratios.

Simply said, Jay wanted gobs of top end horsepower that would scream when he got into the high boost/RPM with giving into lag a little, I wanted lots of power (torque) as quick as I could make it. I think it’s easy to say that we both made our goals. Jay’s car screams and would crush mine overall because he makes a lot more power, but I think I could hold my own for a while because I make boost quickly (positive boost at around 2200 RPM, 17psi by 3000 RPM).

So, lets get into planning. If you want a top end beast, you need to look at lower compression and bigger turbo A/R’s. A torque infested street motor that builds boost fast needs higher compression and a smaller turbo A/R. There are a lot of other factors involved in planning your build, which can be discussed forever, but this is all I want to get into for now.

Now that you have decided the power output and delivery, let’s talk about how to achieve it…..the first time. This is the method I used.

First, before buying a ton of parts, I had to buy a spare (used) 2JZ-GE piston and have it cc’d. Jay had the motor, so I needed another one. If I recall correctly, the machine shop I took it to measured it at 9cc for the dish, and 11cc for the entire piston, including the area above the rings.

After I got the motor and head from Jay (he had the machine work done by his guy), I measured the piston-to-deck height and cc’d the heads combustion chamber. The pistons sat 0.005mm below the deck. This WILL vary because of the amount of cut that needs to be made to bring yours to true. My 1JZ head combustion chamber cc’d at 41cc (again, working off of memory). Again, the combustion chamber cc’s WILL vary depending on the amount of the cut.

CC’ing the head really is cheap and easy to do. All you need is a piece of Plexiglas big enough to cover the entire combustion chamber, Vaseline, a syringe measured in cc’s and some vegetable oil. Drill a hole in the center of the Plexiglas, put a light coat of Vaseline around the edge of the combustion chamber to “seal” the Plexiglas to the deck of the head, then fill the chamber with the vegetable oil while making note of the amount needed. Do all six chambers and average them out. There shouldn’t be too much of a variance between the six, so if there is, figure out why. Too easy.

Here is a good example that explains the process in more detail:

Now that you have all of the known measurements and your decided compression ratio, you can plug in this data into a compression calculator and play with the head gasket thickness to determine the thickness needed to hit your target compression ratio. There are a ton of them online, but here’s one that I used:

Enter Bore/Stroke Designation Type
1 = Inches 2 = Millimeters 86
Enter Cylinder Bore Size 86
Enter Piston Stroke Length 86
Enter Head Gasket Bore Diameter 87
Enter Compressed Head Gasket Thickness 1.1
Enter Combustion Chamber Volume In CCs 41
Enter Piston Dome Volume In CCs Negative For Dished Pistons (Use '-') -11
Enter Piston Deck Clearance Negative If ABOVE Deck (Use '-') : .006

Calculated Engine Compression Ratio 9.53:1

Had a stock 2JZ-GE head gasket been used (0.3mm), the compression ratio would jump to 10.28:1. A stock 1JZ head gasket (1.3mm) would have yeilded 9.36:1. Still very high for turbo applications.

You can cheat some to save time. I bought a 1.6mm head gasket in advance, and after I had the required thickness, I took it to a machine shop and had them mill it down appropriately. If you take this route, make sure to measure it before you leave the machine shop. It took them all of two hours to get it all done and they only charged me $25 for doing it. Not bad at all in my opinion.

There you have it. Time intensive, but accurate and conpletely neccesary. As a disclaimer, DO NOT TAKE THE NUMBERS ABOVE AS ACCURATE!! Some of them are takren from memory of measurements I took over 2 years ago. DO YOUR OWN MEASUREMENTS!!!!

Also, as for which head gasket to use for a 1.5JZ swap. There was a thread started years ago on another website that said the 2JZ head gaskets won't seal a 1.5JZ properly and it caused an uproar. In laymens terms, the thread said that a 2JZ MHG would not seal the head-to-block oil passage and would leak oil, so a 1JZ MHG had to be used. I won't get into it any more than that, other than saying my 1.5JZ uses a 2JZ MHG and it's sealed up great, and I know Supra hero does as well with no sealing issues. In my opinion, and it's my opinion, the 2JZ MHG is well suited for 1.5JZ use.
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Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Awesome stuff... coulda used the consolidated info 8+ years ago ;-)

One of the things that may be there, but I did not see.
1. R154 Speed Sensor (ABS) - I had to add it to the JDM tranny by removing the plug/cap and installing the sensor, then running the wires all the way to the dash connections... For my 2JZ into my 87T, 90T, 91T which had ABS. The 2JZ harness does not have a provision for it already and I did not have the 7M engine harness available to transfer it from.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY

The thread is currently locked to encourage the discussion here. I will make changes to the 1.5JZ area with the steps mapped out to find the correct head gasket. You are correct about the head's chamber changing when you mill the head as I was looking at checking the compression ratio of a 1.5JZ but didn't know what the cambers volume was.

I do believe that if you mill the head the maximum allowed, .004", it will not change the chambers volume by much when doing the test with the syringe and oil.

I know a local guy, built GTE block with a 2.0MM 2JZ head gasket on his 1.5JZ making 750HP on a 71MM. I know the block and head were milled and not drastically, just to make them true and it was done by a machine shop whose 2JZ go past 1000HP. Jay said he used a 2.0MM 2JZ on his car. That should be good for most cars even with the head and block milled below the maximum .004.

You know, I wonder if we could get a cometic gasket made EXACTLY like the 1JZ head gasket with the oil hole placed in the correct position and have it in 2.0MM and 2.2MM thickness. Jay's motor went bad due to the compression ratio being too high, not because the oil hole location was wrong or anything of that sort. So why not get a cometic that is the same as the 1JZ head gasket but is thicker than the stock one? I don't see any issue with this as the 1JZ gasket was designed for the 1JZ head, so getting one made the same way but just thicker to raise the compression ratio, it would be fine.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
I'm not 100% certain that the cc of the head is 41cc, I might be 38cc. I can't remember, but those two numbers stick out in my head. I have it on spread sheet somewhere, I just have to find it. I have some pictures that I took during the process too. I will keep looking.

As for the customized 1JZ head gasket, I think that you would just end up robbing peter to pay paul. The 1JZ oil boss partial protudes from the block, whereas the 2JZ's doesn't. You're going to lose either on top or the bottom, and I would prefer it to be the top because the oil is feeding from the block, so it seems logical that you're going to see more pressure between the block and the MHG rather than the MHG and the head. I dunno, I see it as a it's six of one, half doven the other situation.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
See how easy it is to discuss here and have one thread with all the correct info. I edited the info in the code, PM'ed it to Ian and he will edit it for me.

Keep the comments coming guys.
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Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
OK, found the missing spread sheet of the cc'ing I had done when building my 1.5JZ. The 2JZ-GE pistons have 9cc dishes, 11.5cc total (this includes the area above the rings, and the 1JZ chamber is 40cc (the head wasn't cut/decked as far as I could tell as anotated in my notes). I had .004mm shaved off of my head and the cc's dropped to just above 39cc's.

My shop cc'd the piston I had, and Jay had his shop cc one as well, yeilding the same 9cc's, so that is solid info to me. I cc'd the head, before and after machine work was done, so it's should be accurate within +/- .5cc's.

Also, people should understand that the head gasket thickness in the stickied thread (1.1mm) is the value that needs to be adjusted to get the desired C/R, and the diameter of the MHG can be 86mm, 87mm or even 88mm, depending on what the buy. 87mm isn't a constant.


New Member
Oct 18, 2009
You specified a USDM water pump in a 1.5jz, but what about a JDM water pump, will it work? is there any difference?


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
mjsn1;1791363 said:
You specified a USDM water pump in a 1.5jz, but what about a JDM water pump, will it work? is there any difference?

What? The JDM pump is the hydro pump and I said it is an option but more of a hassle if it goes bad as parts are not readily available.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
New Update:

I had a friend bring a stock 2JZ gasket over to the shop. I have a 1JZ block and I laid the 2JZ gasket over it and I have one thing to say....

I should smack the person who said the gasket would not work and started this whole nonsense. The hole on the block fits the 2JZ gasket.

The 1JZ head has a recessed and an offset channel for the rear oil feed hole. When looking at the 1JZ head, oil flows to the channel and goes into the feed hole at an angle, it's not a straight feed, as in they line up at 180* degrees. The actual feed hole on the 1JZ head is offset BUT there is a channel that leads to that hole and feeds that hole at angle.

You will need to determine the correct thickness and that will be it.

So, You Can Use A 2JZ Head Gasket On A 1JZ Block And Head Without Worrying. Thickness Will Need To Be Determined By Using The Method In My JZ Swap Thread.

Here is proof.

Recessed Hole With Channel


1JZ Block With 2JZ-GTE Head Gasket Rear Oil Feed Line Up. Pin Goes All The Way Through.



New Member
Oct 18, 2009
IBoughtASupra;1791395 said:
What? The JDM pump is the hydro pump and I said it is an option but more of a hassle if it goes bad as parts are not readily available.

Sorry if my question sounded stupid, but there aren't any USDM engines where im from.

Another thing is that i would like to suggest that you put the amount of psi you should tighten the bolts of the crank, rods, cam caps and other main stuff. thanks


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
MJSN, I didn't intend to make your post sound stupid. A lot of my post are on my phone so I really don't see the location unless I go to the profile area and the signatures don't show on the App either. It was stated that the hydro pump was compatible in the 1JZ Section, I just added it to the 1.5JZ area.

The Torque specs have already been added before you posted. :)