i got boned by the price of the conversion x.x looks like next time i will deff give wiring a go lol. Harness has been paid for, radiator was cleaned and repainted, engine bay is still dirty, need to give it a good cleaning and start tucking away some wiring, i also have to get the bay ready for paint.
Only thing im a bit worried is my downpipe/exhaust situation :/
I also need to mount up my intercooler so i can start test fitting intercooler piping, thinking about doing 2.5 hot side 2.75 cold side. My intercooler is 3 inch inlet/out.
I also picked some thjings up at the yunk yard

like my throttle cable from a camry which is said to work...
Going to do a test fit on the engine and see how much i have to bang the firewall then i can send it to be painted.
I will update with pics tommorrow! Any concerns or comments
