Why the cops here are so cool


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Ric said:
To all you immature kids..

The cop that video taped this, he posts on our local forum. He hates ricers and it's his job to bust car meets and illegal cars.

He also loves correctly modified cars, and will stop by meets and hang out and shoot the shit. He also posts on the boards where he's going to bust next. So yeah, make fun of him.. but to us he's a good friend and a nice guy.

Not all cops know correctly modified cars....


looking for a supra!!
May 9, 2007
cos cob, ct
cops have good sides and bad sides. the good ones are the ones who prevent real crimes, like murder and robbery, the bad ones are the ones who bitch about things like street racing, loitering, and skating. two catigorys in the gospel according to me:
cops (ones who prevent real crimes, whom we should respect)
pigs (ones who bitch, who we should leave alone, or bitch back at, depending on the circumstances)