Why i am seriously considering...

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Aug 27, 2006
IJ. said:
One Word "Australia" ;)
:biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Agreed, we love cars, modified ones are fairly stringently looked at depending on your state, laid back people and great weather if you don't live in Tasmania or Victoria:icon_razz


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Joel W. said:
You seemed to be judging Bush by his actions when you say you want to leave the US..You just said in another thread, that you don't judge people.

wow if you seriously believe that you can compare someone with that much power to the average person you interact with at work or school then uh... i will simply ignore anything you say from here on out.

you have CLEARLY misunderstood what i have said.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Well, Im not willing to give up on America just yet. As already stated, the grass is always greener on the other side. I am of the opinion that life is what you make of it. I manage to "make due" living here :biglaugh:

I see no reason to quit on Lady Liberty...at least until she quits on me!


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
IJ. said:
I was being serious when I said Australia!

It's a great place to live!

Hold on...getting a visual here.

Mad Max...Supras...with targas...IJ with a mohawk!

LOL...seriously though, from what I've heard from my buddies that go down there on a regular basis...Australia is a great place ;)


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
theWeezL said:
Well, Im not willing to give up on America just yet. As already stated, the grass is always greener on the other side. I am of the opinion that life is what you make of it. I manage to "make due" living here :biglaugh:

I see no reason to quit on Lady Liberty...at least until she quits on me!

as of now, i have no reason to leave either. my life is veryyyy nice here and i am extremely fortunate to be who i am.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
lagged said:
wow if you seriously believe that you can compare someone with that much power to the average person you interact with at work or school then uh... i will simply ignore anything you say from here on out.

you have CLEARLY misunderstood what i have said.

All people are equal in my book...But a duck is a duck, if it walks and quaks like a duck.. Maybe you can explain to me the errors in my ways? I would be happy to listen to you and change my thought prossess if your view is convincing.

I don't think we are really in disagreement here and I don't know why you are upset?.


Aug 27, 2006
jdub said:
LOL...seriously though, from what I've heard from my buddies that go down there on a regular basis...Australia is a great place ;)
Australia is great you could call our Prime Minister a C**t on national television and no one would care:icon_bigg and if they did they'd probably applaud you.

Ironically the USA has freedom of speech in the constitution and Australia doesn't go figure.
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Aug 27, 2006
Bah bush can't serve again anyway lol, but then heres merely a propaganda puppet for his party.

Its always amusing to see him doing interviews where he has to adlib.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
In Canada, we have higher taxes... friendly police... gun control... our leaders give hecklers the finger... we don't give a tinker's damn about who our leader is sleeping with... better tea... cuban cigars... less rights on paper... more rights in practice.

Every now and then, one of our political parties gets asskicked so hard that they buckle like a cheap tent, and we don't see them for 15 years.

Our olympic athletes get busted for smoking pot, and half the world tries to claim it's a performance enhancing drug. They obviously have no clue.

We have two official languages and a score of unofficial ones, and we fight about them all the time.

We don't encourage people to forget their roots - so Americans that emigrate here are encouraged to remember their language, customs, traditions, and all the rest. So are the South African, British, German, Russian, Mexican, etc, immigrants. This makes for some friction among racial groups. We live with it.

We didn't shoot all our native indians a hundred years ago, we just stole their land and told them to bugger off. Now we actually have to deal with them like fellow human beings, because they've raised their kids to be lawyers and doctors.

There aren't very many black folks here - but the ones we have don't feel persecuted or downtrodden. Racism still exists, however most of the time the racists are regarded as lepers instead of the other way around.

We keep trying to get Jedi recognized as an official religion.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Joel W. said:
All people are equal in my book...But a duck is a duck, if it walks and quaks like a duck.. Maybe you can explain to me the errors in my ways? I would be happy to listen to you and change my thought prossess if your view is convincing.

I don't think we are really in disagreement here and I don't know why you are upset?.

heh im not upset. i think what we have is simply a miscommunication here. which might i add, i think is the root of many conflicts between individuals, especially over the internet.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
lagged said:
heh im not upset. i think what we have is simply a miscommunication here. which might i add, i think is the root of many conflicts between individuals, especially over the internet.

Good deal, that was not my intent.:). I agree communication is the key...

That is why I try to be as clear and to the point as I can when it comes to posting here. So I will ask again, where did I misunderstand you, or did you misunderstand me? Just wondering..


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
GrimJack said:
In Canada, we have higher taxes... friendly police... gun control... our leaders give hecklers the finger... we don't give a tinker's damn about who our leader is sleeping with... better tea... cuban cigars... less rights on paper... more rights in practice.

Every now and then, one of our political parties gets asskicked so hard that they buckle like a cheap tent, and we don't see them for 15 years.

Our olympic athletes get busted for smoking pot, and half the world tries to claim it's a performance enhancing drug. They obviously have no clue.

We have two official languages and a score of unofficial ones, and we fight about them all the time.

We don't encourage people to forget their roots - so Americans that emigrate here are encouraged to remember their language, customs, traditions, and all the rest. So are the South African, British, German, Russian, Mexican, etc, immigrants. This makes for some friction among racial groups. We live with it.

We didn't shoot all our native indians a hundred years ago, we just stole their land and told them to bugger off. Now we actually have to deal with them like fellow human beings, because they've raised their kids to be lawyers and doctors.

There aren't very many black folks here - but the ones we have don't feel persecuted or downtrodden. Racism still exists, however most of the time the racists are regarded as lepers instead of the other way around.

We keep trying to get Jedi recognized as an official religion.

That's great and all, but as much as many non Americans would like to admit, the US still rocks.

We have snow covered mountains, sunny beaches & everything in between. The Indians we stole our land from are mega rich because they either own oil field or a casino. Everyone has the ability to make a ton of money by starting their own business. The education possibilities are endless with our tens of thousands colleges & universities. We have a government so great that our people constantly quibble about it's direction, and that usually keeps it heading down the middle of the road. We've customarily have been the ones to come to the aid of anyone else in the world when they need help. We are proud (and often viewed from the outside as arrogant) & strong, but we care for most of the world too.

Right now, times are a little rocky for the US, but fret not, all will be fine. IMO, The reason why all the other countries are on our backs is because the US has always been the stable, direction providing country to the rest of the world. Since the US foreign policies have changed, everyone is naturally concerned.

To me, there is no other country I'd rather live in, there is none better, imo. More so, the amount of immigrants we take in daily is a testament to how great the US is.
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