What I love is when people come in to buy parts and have no fucking idea what they need, want or drive. Then get mad when you don't know what to sell them. I know what you need it's you that has no fucking idea what you need.
Yes there are stupid counter people, but there are just as many, if not more stupid customers. You have no idea the amount of morons I deal with on a daily basis. I can't even begin to explain it. I could go on and on about the window lickers I have to deal with all the time, but I won't because I don't feel the need to make stupid threads calling people morons.
These topics always come up about all the morons that sell parts, not everyone who sells parts is a moron. If you think that way and treat them all like they are retarded then you are worse then them. If someone treats me like I don't know anything I will just get mad, won't spend anytime helping you find what you need and you'll end up paying more.