Why dont the people at autozone,pepboys,strauss,etc HAVE NO Clue when it comes 2 cars


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Thats not really how the line would be used....

I'd say 'why do you need one?'
then they say 'yeah'
THEN, and ONLY THEN could one say 'not my problem'


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Typically the chain stores hire anyone they can get for the cheapest wage possible. I cant really blame the moron behind the counter, I blame the corporate strategy that hires them and makes them sell the lowest grade of crap possible. Welcome to the American way, fuck you very much.

If I need oil or cleaning products I go to AZ, if I need a real part I go to Napa or Carquest, if I need a performance part I am most likely ordering online somewhere.

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
Went to Advance Auto to buy a boost guage (just shut up).

"I need a boost gauge"
"What kind of vehicle"
(just to placate him, even though they are universal, i give him info)"'88 Toyota Supra"
*moment later* "That the turbo or non-turbo?"
"I wouldn't exactly need a boost gauge for a non-turbo, would I?"
He digs in computer, i figured it would show up a universal gauge.

"Sorry, we don't have one"
"Yes you do. This is a hub-store, and Advance Auto carries Faze gauges"
"umm, well, I'm sorry-"
"Hang on one sec"
I walk behind counter, look down the row of aisles, and grab the gauge off the shelf.


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
Victorville CA
just curious why people try to point out spelling mistakes all the freakin time?? i just dont get it does it make you feel more beefy? penial extension idk just curious....

anywho, I feel ya man, I swear they hire people right off the streets, I went in the other day for a cap and rotor for my toyota pickup, I ask for the parts and he asks whats a cap? im like omfg just search it in the damn computer, so he does and goes to the back for like 15 minutes, probably was dickin around but he ends up bringing me the cap which was amazing, then that amazment quickly turned into absoloute loss of faith in human kind, he brought me a damn brake rotor....... wtf? i walked out.....


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
It's not a "spelling mistake" it's barely English....

If he walked into a store and his verbal communication skills are equal to his written skills no fucking wonder people can't help him.

What is "penial"?


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Supra-K;1018640 said:
just curious why people try to point out spelling mistakes all the freakin time?? i just dont get it does it make you feel more beefy? penial extension idk just curious....
Typing is how we communicate on the internet. If you can't be bothered to put effort into how you communicate, why would we think you are capable of putting effort into anything else?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
hmm, only problem I have is that most of the time they think I say toyota subaru.....and they go "which one"?


but for the most part....our peeps here in redneck ville know what they are talking about.....for the most part(key words).


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
Victorville CA
IJ.;1018652 said:
It's not a "spelling mistake" it's barely English....

If he walked into a store and his verbal communication skills are equal to his written skills no fucking wonder people can't help him.

What is "penial"?

GrimJack;1018692 said:
Typing is how we communicate on the internet. If you can't be bothered to put effort into how you communicate, why would we think you are capable of putting effort into anything else?

ok guys check it out, Im not trying to ruffle anyones feathers or get people pissed but I constantly see it on this fourm, even on simple mistakes that are completely understandable, yea of course if a paragraph is completely incoherent maybe its time to step in a say something but when it comes to simple mistakes forget about it and post what really matters that actually pretains to the subject, i just find it waste of my time when I post a thread and get like 5 post saying i spelt something wrong, no trying to make a big deal lol like i already havent jsut curious on why people do it? :wavey:


Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
It's because in this case it's ironic that the guy is complaining about how people have "no clue" and then he proceeds to type things that make you say "wtf?".

Also, do people not see the squiggly lines under the words that are mis-spelled?


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Supra-K;1019526 said:
pertains to the subject, i just find it a waste of my time when I post a thread and get like 5 posts saying i spelled something wrong, not trying to make a big deal lol like i already havent just curious on why people do it? :wavey:




New Member
Dec 31, 2007
New Smyrna Beach Florida
9 out of the 10 times you walk in those places you are dealing with someone that only needed a ged and a clean driving record...and you dont need to know how to use a computer as they will train you...
Now if you are a bussiness and you use say Autozone.. you deal with someone that is Educated and understands what the hell you want.. guess were they are ? right behind the wall behind the morons at counter :}


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Not always. I'm pretty sure one of the managers at the local Advance is dumber than every single guy at the counter lol

Get Firefox. It's superior in every way to IE, and it'll help you spell better. OK, maybe not, but at least we'll know wtf you were trying to say to us! :biglaugh:


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Supra-K;1019526 said:
ok guys check it out, Im not trying to ruffle anyones feathers or get people pissed but I constantly see it on this fourm, even on simple mistakes that are completely understandable, yea of course if a paragraph is completely incoherent maybe its time to step in a say something but when it comes to simple mistakes forget about it and post what really matters that actually pretains to the subject, i just find it waste of my time when I post a thread and get like 5 post saying i spelt something wrong, no trying to make a big deal lol like i already havent jsut curious on why people do it? :wavey:

Because it's far too easy to misinterpret even a perfectly constructed sentence considering the vagaries of the English language and when someone posts a question they expect to be answered correctly it's damn near impossible if it's full of errors and gobbledegook.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Quin;1019689 said:
Not always. I'm pretty sure one of the managers at the local Advance is dumber than every single guy at the counter lol

Get Firefox. It's superior in every way to IE, and it'll help you spell better. OK, maybe not, but at least we'll know wtf you were trying to say to us! :biglaugh:

lol, who?

Trust me, every one of them THINKS they know everything. I remember arguing w/ them about Supra parts. The store in Greensburg was amazing, but all their good workers went to Batesville.

I get my lifetime warranty parts, I don't give a damn who sells it to me. :icon_bigg