Where do you live?


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Hehe, thats just my bedroom - i share with 3 others (two girls and another guy), and i drew the straw for the smallest room. Theres a kitchen and bathroom you haven't seen. I think theres a video i put up on youtube for my g/f of what this flat is like - i'll dig it out later on when i'm more awake...


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
upgradedsupra said:
So I assume your parents are out of town then?! :biglaugh:

Funny guy. :biglaugh:

Seriously though: I would just get a mortgage if I were you...

Uh yea.. the house I live in sells for 1.2 mill as does every other house in the neighborhood. the ones down the street start at 3.2.

I cant afford a morgage to say the least.


Dunckel said:
TOMA70E: If you make that much money, why not buy a house. You are 20 years old. You would be paying on something that will yield you a profit in the future. Say the average starter home in CA. is around 250-300k. (I could be way off either way) Save for...say three months. You would have $12,000 on the low end of your estimations for a down payment, and a monthly payment of $1500/month. Which isn't shit compared to your take home of $4000/month. It doesn't make sense to me. But, you have your reasons, and I respect them.
Amen brutha.
5 years ago I bit my lip and bought a house for 250k finding that it was a lot easier that I expected it to be. The house has more than doubled in value and ive never been more glad to do something w/ my money than this purchase. I pay less than most people pay in rent and I have tons of equity. If I hadnt done it at that particular time, I probably wouldnt have purchased a house with the rapidly rising market and would be kicking myself today.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Amen brutha.
5 years ago I bit my lip and bought a house for 250k finding that it was a lot easier that I expected it to be. The house has more than doubled in value and ive never been more glad to do something w/ my money than this purchase. I pay less than most people pay in rent and I have tons of equity. If I hadnt done it at that particular time, I probably wouldnt have purchased a house with the rapidly rising market and would be kicking myself today.

WTF! where do you live in socal?


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
New Jersey....I might snap some pics later of my townhouse that I live in for free. 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath. Military Housing. Not much inside since my wife just moved out. But, its cozy.