I worked as summer-hire at a Marine Corps chow-hall when I was 14. Fun people most of the time, but it was a dirty, crappy job.
I worked at a movie theater, but that was a cakewalk.
McDonalds - dirty, thankless job where you are yelled at if an order takes more than a couple of minutes. A whole lot of stress for something that truly is not worth the time or pay.
US Air Force - Disliked the beginning, loved it from the 1 year mark until about the 5 year mark. It went downhill after that point. I've never had job stress drive me to seek counseling until the last year of my enlistment. The pay was okay, but not worth it.
Now I work for a defense contractor, and I perform counter-IED work. The pay is very good, sense of purpose is high, and stress level is WAY down. Overall, I like it very much.