All plugs will do the same thing pretty much. Spark.
How long they will keep the same gap, and how easy it is to get the spark to jump from the electrode to the ground strap is another thing entirely.
Small points make it easy for electricity to jump off so to speak. (Thus why most Irridum plugs idle so well, and work so well.)
The V grove ground strap tends to give a nice sharp edge to go back to ground at... (Or vise/versa.. there is theory that electricity goes backwards so to speak, but understand that sharp points make this easy in either direction, and smooth, rounded edged parts are less likely to create the jumping off point for the spark..)
Simple right?
Copper is an excellent heat and power conductor..
Platinum is great too, and does not errode as easy.
Irridium is a great conductor, and is very hard, and holds up to high heat well, so it's even better at keeping the "point" the right shape and distance from the ground strap...
There you go.
Pick your poison..

(I run the Irridium plugs because I don't like to change them often, and they hold up well to high boost, and abuse in my experiance. Also gap your plugs to .28, and you will have few problems with high boost, high rpm misfire... The stock setting is too wide.)
Merry Christmas!