gaboonviper85;1398650's seriously a waste of time...
Not to mention it's clearly obvious at that point that you just want the noise over the function....that = RICE!
O i thought there was some bonus to it....
gaboonviper85;1398650's seriously a waste of time...
Not to mention it's clearly obvious at that point that you just want the noise over the function....that = RICE!
Turbo Habanero;1398655 said:O i thought there was some bonus to it....
gaboonviper85;1398661 said:Not really....somewhat helps with stalling upon decel from a high boost pull...but if you learn not to push in the clutch right when you let go of the gaspedal while slowing down then stalling won't be an issue...(this is all from a full boost pull).
Putting a bov on a stock ecu supra is ricey no matter what unless you seriously need a bigger bov for a bigger turbo...even then the hks ssqv can be recirculated as well as the synop.
Turbo Habanero;1397924 said:Another question? I only get partial boost in 1st and 2nd And full 3rd-5th.
Heard it was made to do this?
Justin;1398618 said:stock, or Bosch. seriously.
91T breezen';1399216 said:Listen to this guy! If you are still on the maf, at least run something that is re-circulated, or your car will never run perfect.:nono: Bosch bypass is really a quality replacement, and sounds pretty cool from inside the car!:naughty:
Turbo Habanero;1398941 said:So i think im going to order the Blitz DD any last advice?
maft pro+speed denisty=no afmTurbo Habanero;1399417 said:Whats the best way to get rid of that for the Mass air Flow
Turbo Habanero;1399417 said:Whats the best way to get rid of that for the Mass air Flow
ok.Fuzz420;1399444 said:Dont buy it unless it can be recirculated
Fuzz420;1399444 said:maft pro+speed denisty=no afm
or hks vpc or standalone
If you go this route then you can get one of the BOV;s that vent to the atmosphere
Turbo Habanero;1399456 said:ok.
I don't really care if i have the noise. I just want to know the best route to take my car. I Guess i got to learn how every thing works/Means some how![]()
Justin;1399449 said:Don't.
There's NO reason to unless you're going for way high power.
I had the Maft Pro, and VPC while I had my Supra and neither of them ran as well as the AFM with an AFC to make minor fuel adjustments.
Turbo Habanero;1399456 said:ok.
I don't really care if i have the noise. I just want to know the best route to take my car. I Guess i got to learn how every thing works/Means some how![]()
Fuzz420;1399470 said:The noise isnt an issue for me, i run speed density plus i run a tial and i vent to the atmosphere with a smile on my face.
If you reallly really really just have to have it get your bov of your liking and if/when it stalls on you then you know why as per the aforementioned post.
As for bov choice from me, go tial.Goodluck with your decision
Turbo Habanero;1399502 said:What exactly would i need to run this ? anything special thats not stock on the car? and is this a good decision if not can you refer me to a better route to take and please be inclined to explain how it works.
lewis15498;1399513 said:Everything you need:
MAFT Pro is a piggyback fuel controller. You need to do alot of research before you use it, or pay someone else to tune it. You can easily destroy your engine by making a mistake. A guy on here recently did this, he thought he was running lean when he was running rich, and added more fuel worsening the problem. Had he made that mistake in the other direction, he would have likely tanked his motor. I'm all for DIY but you gotta do your homework and know what your doing first.
BOV's protect your turbo from compressor surge. You dont need one if you dont have compressor surge.
Could be wrong but it sounds like you want to do this all just so you can vent into the atmosphere. If thats the case, theres much better ways to spend $1000.
Adawg;1399521 said:hey i got a question.
what would be the "most preferred" BOV for single T60-1 (from driftmotion) on a 2jzgte? NO HKS SSQV please.
Turbo Habanero;1399522 said:Like i said i Don't care for the PSSSH noise just want to know what all i need and what steps ill need to take to make good numbers Beside Exhaust and Intake.
I do need to do research and have been Just also asking you guys for any advice/Info you willing to share. Its not like i plan on doing this over night.
Although that would be nice lol