"I also don't like revolvers for many reasons. There isn't any advantage to them and there's a hell of a lot of disadvantages to them..."
There are any number of advantages to a revolver if you are talking about personal or home defense. There is no advantage I can think of for a semi auto in either instance. As any proper carry weapon can state, a revolver has no safety and it cannot jam. The worst possible case scenario in a defense situation is ammunition failure. With a revolver, there is a simple remedy
ull the trigger again and fire the next round. With a semi auto, you are required to eject the round and chamber another. As for ammo capacity, more bullets is not an advantage unless you are at the range. Statistically, the total number of shots fired in the average gunfight is 5 total between both sides and takes place at a distance of 5 feet. If you need more than 5 or 6 bullets, you're screwed anyway. That said, I'm not a fan of how revolvers look in general but there is no arguing their tactical benefits over semis.