trucker said:i'mnot gomma preach here, but getting any loan for any car is a bad idea
here's the math
average car payment is 364 and some change over a 64 month period.
that average car payment invested over an average working lifetime,in a decent mutualfund, from20 to 62, works out to $4.4 MILLION dollars
thats how much that car is costing you,hope you like it
as far as taking a loan to fix a car? that dude is right, it's a dumb idea
credit cards? even worse,pay everything with cash,the dirty little secretis,you don't need credit for ANYTHING but getting into debt
I agree 100% with you. I never had a credit card until the bank told me I needed to have one to improve my credit before buying my first house. 5 years after buying my house I have 12K in short term debt.That sucks!