what rpms am i suppostu shift 1st and second gear?


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Zumtizzle;1056919 said:
lol if you owned a 1JZ i bet you'd need at least 5K rpm ;)

Nah, I shift when I reach the right speed (next gear x 10). That is how I drive every standard car, unless I am beating on it.

1st -> 2nd happens at 20mph
2nd -> 3rd happens at 30mph
You get the point.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I just press in the clutch when my wife tells me too, and she changes gears for me. I have to keep both hands on the wheel at all times.

I think it was the Eagles, but someone a long time ago wrote................Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.............:burnout:


New Member
Mar 19, 2008
ViR2;1056966 said:
what hatting? :) no one hates u for receiving the car at 17 (I've bought my Supra too at age 17) :)

nothing serious just some of the old heads think us new kids cant drive and wont take car of these classics and will crash em ,not change oil,skimp on maintenence ....you get my point.plus the had to pay 30+- grand for thiers and we all paid couple hundred to 5 grand for ours....haha:biglaugh:

for me it was 1600


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Young kids CAN'T drive, you just think you can and get lucky. You have had your liscence for what, 1 year or less? I have had mine for 5 years, almost to date and I believe that I need to learn more about driving in certain situations that I do not experiance often or at all.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
I agree with forever. I've had my license 5 years this month and I look at back at what I did when I was 16-18, some stupid stuff. There's always more to learn, and experiance is the only way to being a better driver.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
N/A Supras are very forgiving when learning how to drive stick. I can stop on an incline and sometimes the car won't even roll back, while I see some cars rolling back like crazy, makes me wonder if it's my weight keeping me stationary...

I drove an RSX type S, a GSR Integra, and my friend's auto->manual 240sx and their clutches are veeeerrryyy light, I cannot feel the engagement point at all, so I revved the fuck out of them and released the clutch slowly to keep from stalling...

I also hate how disconnected they felt (not the 240, though, I can feel the gears in that one), as if the shifter weren't connected to anything...

but yeah, my 1st car was a Nissan 240sx and that thing was fun, but DANGEROUS...

open diff + bald tires + over zealous teenager = BAD...

I never hit anything in it, but I came SOOOOO close...


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
RazoE;1057097 said:
I also hate how disconnected they felt (not the 240, though, I can feel the gears in that one), as if the shifter weren't connected to anything...

thats what happens when the shifter is connected to the transmission by cables...

Oh, and when I was 18 and thought I was the shit, I wrote off a nice 89t driving like a retard on bald tires in poor conditions...so yeah, don't tell us you've got excellent driving experience while having your license for only a year.

edit...and to address the original question, shift whenever you want...most importantly, dont shift so low that you bog the engine down in the next gear (i.e. keep shift points above 3000 rpm)


New Member
I am getting my license July 1st (could've had it 4 months ago, but didn't have a car so what was teh point?)... But I am the best driver there is :p

I have an N/A 5 speed that I got as a solid first car to ensure I learn about maintenance , as well as learn stick pretty well.

I can drive pretty well with stick however little things like going up the hill without reving to hard to prevent rolling back are still issues.

It is a great car to learn on though... I've tried others and actually enjoy driving this 88 supra :)


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
beachsupra;1057021 said:
nothing serious just some of the old heads think us new kids cant drive and wont take car of these classics and will crash em ,not change oil,skimp on maintenence ....you get my point.plus the had to pay 30+- grand for thiers and we all paid couple hundred to 5 grand for ours....haha:biglaugh:

for me it was 1600

No we think you're learning and need to pull you head in a little and stop shooting your mouth off as we've ALL been there in our lives.

I've done more miles above 100mph then you've done in total and I'm still learning so when a 17 year old kid comes here and talks shit about how good a driver he is and then asks how to "do a burnout" and has trouble with the basics we're skeptical at best.

I had an ENORMOUS accident at 30 (by that stage I'd done 100's of 1000's of miles) I'm now 45 and still have room to improve.


New Member
IJ.;1057457 said:
No we think you're learning and need to pull you head in a little and stop shooting your mouth off as we've ALL been there in our lives.

I've done more miles above 100mph then you've done in total and I'm still learning so when a 17 year old kid comes here and talks shit about how good a driver he is and then asks how to "do a burnout" and has trouble with the basics we're skeptical at best.

I had an ENORMOUS accident at 30 (by that stage I'd done 100's of 1000's of miles) I'm now 45 and still have room to improve.

I find that most kids that age act as if they are the best drivers on the road...

I'm 16 and try not to be like the typical teenager, I find that people almost expect me to talk shit, and are suprised when I tell them exactly what I have trouble with, and ask for advice, instead of saying I know it all.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
beachsupra;1057021 said:
nothing serious just some of the old heads think us new kids cant drive and wont take car of these classics and will crash em ,not change oil,skimp on maintenence ....you get my point.plus the had to pay 30+- grand for thiers and we all paid couple hundred to 5 grand for ours....haha:biglaugh:

for me it was 1600

Statistically speaking kids CANT drive, what makes you different?

Teen driver crashes are the leading cause of death for our nation’s youth. The overwhelming majority of these crashes are caused by inexperience or distractions, not "thrill-seeking" or deliberate risk-taking. (Source: Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2003. 35: p. 921-925)
  • In the National Young Driver Survey 20 percent of 11th grade drivers reported at least one crash over the past year, while nearly 3 percent experienced two or more crashes.
    Go to source
  • In 2006, 5,156 13 to 19-year-old drivers were involved in fatal crashes.
    Go to source
  • Crashes are more common among young drivers than any other age group. In the United States, 1 in 4 crash fatalities involve someone 16 to 24 years old, nearly twice as high as other age groups.
    Go to source
  • The fatality rate for drivers ages 16 to 19, based on miles driven, is four times higher than for drivers ages 25 to 69.
    Go to source
  • The crash fatality rate (crash fatalities/100,000 population) is highest for 16 to 17 year olds within the first six months after licensure — and remains high through age 24.
    Go to source
  • Approximately two-thirds of teen passenger deaths (ages 13 to 19) occur when other teenagers are driving.
    Go to source
  • Child passengers (under age 16 ) driven by teenagers (ages 16 to 19) have three times the risk of injury in a crash than children driven by adults. Overall, 9 percent of child fatalities occur with a driver under age 19.
    Go to source
so forgive me if I dont indulge you and try to tell you over the internet how to do a burnout, which is about as pointless as telling someone how to fuck via text messages. Im not trying to hate on you kid, Im just trying to point out the obvious.

As far as the original post, Im gonna "take a jetjock" and pass on replying further.


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
beachsupra;1056945 said:
can anyone tell me how to sig someones reply. i drive stick just as good as anyone. and proably beTTer than u.


5 Bucks says you wreck your car within 1 year! :)

(i'm in no way saying i'm a good driver)


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
I've found that my Supra (bpu 7MGTE) bogs a little if shifted under 2200.

Btw guys, just because a driver is younger than you doesn't make them an imbecile. This whole mindset of all younger drivers being completely inept is ignorant discriminatory bullshit and I'm sick of reading it everywhere. :3d_frown:

Obviously there are bad young drivers, just as there are obviously bad older drivers.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
True, but when you run your mouth about being a good driver when you don't even have yor license yet, you look foolish.

I've been driving for close to 10 years, and less than a year ago I got in my first accident.

Driving a fairly powerful RWD car that WILL try to kill you if you're not careful or paying attention fully is not for beginners IMHO. My first vehicle was a 82 Toyota 4WD Hilux, would hit 85...down hill....with a wind at my back.

I would have killed myself if I had my supra 10 years ago...


Wangan Supra
Jun 8, 2006
My first car was a NA MK3 and I still think that was too much car for me. I don't know what would have happened if I started out with a turbo...