What happened?


Mar 17, 2007
k to clarify
i checked the dipstick. it was well below the 'safe' levels
and ill take a picture to show you where it came from

Kamakazi Kid

New Member
Jan 16, 2007
Tucson, Az
looks like it was probably water to me. the dirt on the tank looks wet too which is what leads me to think its water. but reguardless, if your oil drastically dropped thats something that needs to be checked.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2005
Englewood, Ohio, United States
balong said:
yeah and black just like oil. =S
ok, it still could just be water, ALOT of dirt can get up there esp. after driving in the rain alot....the road grime gets thrown up there and sticks....but the only possible type of oil that could be around there is differental oil....you need to take that shroud off and look under it...you can tell by the smell because gear oil has a very distinct smell


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Whoops, yeah that's definitely the back of the car. You sure it wasn't gas? It looks like some liquid ran down the side of the tank and moved aroung the bottom a bit.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Gas residue and road filth mixed with water and running but this still isn't making any sense to me. I'm astonished that someone drives one of these things and can't get an accurate read on the fluid that came out. Pwr steering pump fluid smells differently than brake fluid and both of those are very different from oil. There something missing, or we aren't being told everything.

Could he be mistaking the wooshing sound for the water fall sound that sometime occurs when your system hasn't been burped??


Rally Man Sam
Nov 2, 2006
supramacist said:
Gas residue and road filth mixed with water and running but this still isn't making any sense to me. I'm astonished that someone drives one of these things and can't get an accurate read on the fluid that came out. Pwr steering pump fluid smells differently than brake fluid and both of those are very different from oil. There something missing, or we aren't being told everything.

Could he be mistaking the wooshing sound for the water fall sound that sometime occurs when your system hasn't been burped??

Woa Woa... That water fall sound is exactly what again? And how do i fix it? upon initial startup., My car has the little waterfall sound behind the dash for about a minute or 2 :icon_surp


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
balong said:
So heres the story. I fill up gas on the way to the club. find a nice parking spot.
parked, then i rev my engine a little bit. i here a 'wooshing' sound ive never heard before. im like.. what? thats not right. do it again. still there. hmmm...
then my friends like..holy eff yur leaking oil.. the oil was dripping on the right rear from the under body. it was driping fast. and my oil level totally dropped.

anybody have any ideas why it would happen out of the blue?
mind you it was a smooth ride all the way.

how did you see that the oil level "totally dropped"...did you read the oil pressure gauge? that reads, as it says, the PRESSURE...not the level. you can be low a quart and still have pressure...you can have 8 quarts and still have pressure. but if you checked the oil... thats a different story.

if you used the check oil dipstick, how soon after shutting off the engine did you check it, and when was the last time you checked it? how was it then? if you check the oil too soon after shutdown you will have a low reading because the oil hasnt settled back to the pan yet.

rallysoob said:
Woa Woa... That water fall sound is exactly what again? And how do i fix it? upon initial startup., My car has the little waterfall sound behind the dash for about a minute or 2

water fall sound is air in your coolant flowing through your heater core. you can fix it by "burping" the cooling system. its been addressed sufficiently (actually its an ungodly amount of times) so a search will do you good for the possible causes and the fixes for your issue.


Rage Your Dream...
Apr 2, 2005
East Troy, WI 53120
RazoE said:
well, my dipstick doesn't say "engine oil" on it, it's only a little looped handle to hold it, and i burn myself half the time taking it out....

I've got a little looped handle that I used to burn myself getting at (until I got gloves), too. It's bright orange/red and it's on the driver's side of the car kinda below-ish the intake manifold. It's got this stupid little locking clip to hold it in place, too. That, however, is not the oil dipstick. That's the auto tranny fluid dipstick.

<< I dunno how a person could burn themselves getting to the actual oil dipstick though.