What does this plug go to?


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Lacey, WA
Hey guys, I'm new here, and plan on becoming an active member. I drive an 89 Turbo Targa, and have some plans for it. This is my first Toyota fresh out of the Honda scene. I've been reading up on the dreaded "code 52", for the knock sensor ( as my car is throwing the code ) so I looked on here to see where they were located and noticed a plug that was just dangling there. This is right under the intake manifold, near the rear KS. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the 52 code I'm getting, I'd like to know before I start to tear the IM off and buy rewire stuff. If it's not to the KS, all well, then what is it to? Thanks in advance guys!


S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
There is one that goes to the tranny. that plug is a generic plug that is used multiple times in the car. its the same as the heater core valve, the pps, and there are some other places that use that plug. what would help more is the color of the wires.

SC61 MK3

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
that has nothing to do with code 52. could be the reverse lights, do they work when you put it in reverse?


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Lacey, WA
Alright thanks guys. I can't really tell if the reverse lights work or not, i'll take a look tonight though once it gets dark. And the abs light isn't on so I dont think that's it. So far, (not to be mean) but I have so many light on the dash looks like a Christmas Tree lol. I got birdcage light (rad full), ebrake light, some weird light that looks like the rear break light is out or something, and the CEL. I'll take a look at it when it's not raining here in washington though (LOL) And as for the KS, do you guys know where I would get a re-wire kit? Can't find them on E-bay.


Aug 8, 2007
Edmonton AB
Correct. It's all in the write up I linked above.
Parts Needed: Coax Cable (RG-5, RG-6 or RG-58), 16 or 18 Gauge Wires, Barrel Splicer’s/Crimpers, Wire Looms, Terminal Connectors.

A little more digging tell me Shaeff used to sell the KS kit. PM him and see if he still does it.


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Lacey, WA
Yeah I read the write up and I don't wanna go to a bunch of different stores to find the right wire, because I wanna do this right the first time. But if I have to I will. Thanks guys, looking forward to becoming a member of this community!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
S.A. supra;1928934 said:
There is one that goes to the tranny. that plug is a generic plug that is used multiple times in the car. its the same as the heater core valve, the pps, and there are some other places that use that plug. what would help more is the color of the wires.

True, but the heater core valve would be on the opposite side of the engine, and the PPS would be at the front of the engine.
The wires for the reverse lights would be red and yellow, at least on the '88 they are.

MK3_CT;1928995 said:
Alright thanks guys. I can't really tell if the reverse lights work or not, i'll take a look tonight though once it gets dark. And the abs light isn't on so I dont think that's it. So far, (not to be mean) but I have so many light on the dash looks like a Christmas Tree lol. I got birdcage light (rad full), ebrake light, some weird light that looks like the rear break light is out or something, and the CEL. I'll take a look at it when it's not raining here in washington though (LOL) And as for the KS, do you guys know where I would get a re-wire kit? Can't find them on E-bay.

The birdcage doesn't mean the rad is full, it means the resevoir is low
Ebrake light might indicate that the brake resevoir is low
Tail light thingy means that either a bulb is out, the tail contacts to the bulb are bad, or the failure box is faulty
Many times, the code 52 is from one of the two knock sensor plugs being disconnected or the wire being broken. Check for this at both sensors.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
lol.... I know it wasnt the hcv I know where its located. its either the pps or the reverse lights they are in the same area. my point was shiw us the plugs, and the wires for a positive id.