So I used to really like putting stickers on the car but I began to feel that it would look much more cleaner without them. However, stickers really help in making a car your own and I felt like I wanted to give this car more of my own personal touch.
That's when I got to thinking about license plate frames! You can sort of add a bit of flair with these things and I think they aren't as distracting as stickers on the body or windows! What I had to figure out was which license plate frame would I want the car to have?
I REALLY wanted one of the these:
The problem is that HKS doesn't make these anymore and I haven't seen people selling the ones that they have recently. So I thought up of other automotive related companies that I liked. What I had issue with is that my car didn't have any of the parts that these companies made and I thought it wouldn't be right to have their names on the car if that was the case (I have at least an HKS turbo timer, which I've read is pretty useless for a street car anyway?)
So I thought of things that I liked or my hometown of San Diego. Nothing really came to mind or whatever that was out there was just something that I didn't think looked that great..
So I decided to make my own! I frequent the Speedhunters website and I also know that SH sells some pretty cool stickers. So I thought it would be neat to take some of the RC stickers that they sell, buy some blank plate frames, and sort of design something that I would really like!
I like it because its simple, it's of a website that I enjoy logging onto, and that there's Japanese Katakana (and it's a Japanese car) which is always cool to me at least!