It has been ten years since my Supra has run. It is garaged and currently 24" off the ground on stands. Engine, transmission, exhaust and gas tank removed. Over the past three months I have removed all the factory undercoating from the engine bay to the rear axle. It was old, soft and oil soaked, and while not very visible, ugly in my eye... so it is gone. Truck bed liner is going back on after priming the bare metal. Brake lines are pulled away far enough to get under them, and all fittings are labeled to go back on. Then goes a new fuel filter, and the gas tank which was dipped many years ago is finally getting its new pump, and it too will be returned to the car. I am going to go ahead and hang the exhaust system, the good stuff, just to get it ready. If I am ever going to seriously try to get past California emissions, the stock system that I've kept all these years may have to be fitted. I hear there's a law being discussed to make cars 85 and older exempt... if that law floats on a number of years, only three more to go to be legal. Otherwise, I guess I will have 90 days and a failure certificate, then sell the car to my son for another 90 days. Not that I plan on tearing it up fast; but, seriously, it may never be legal to drive it. The longer I own it, the more I read and learn, a very lot of that here. I now know that of early or late blocks, I have the early. Then of early or late cranks, I have the early. I still have to have the crank and big-end of rods align honed since I'm using ARP bolts; but, I'm not going to balance it all, will look for 400 hp instead of 600 hp, get it done, and have a little fun. There have been mistakes along the way, two complete clutch assemblies, and I probably still don't have one for higher hp. And there's this beautiful aluminum crank pulley and all the related, odd-sized belts, which has been found here to be a mistake to use. It is getting seriously crazy though, not being able to drive this car for ten years. Can hardly wait to actually have space in my garage to work on a different car