cleared up my code 52 this weekendre-wiring my knock sensors and now have code 11 Yay old wiring. I do have a spare harness i wanted to fix up but it might go in the car sooner than planned because...
I ordered a RC550cc injectors and i want a bigger turbo
I've been flip flopping on turbos for some time now and I feel like settling on GTX3582r, I've been shopping around and so far i've found them for just over $2100 with the T4 82 A/R housing i want. the 550s would support this turbo at a street boost level of 1 bar but i'd need to step up to 680s if i want to reach my 500 goal.
I ordered a RC550cc injectors and i want a bigger turbo
I've been flip flopping on turbos for some time now and I feel like settling on GTX3582r, I've been shopping around and so far i've found them for just over $2100 with the T4 82 A/R housing i want. the 550s would support this turbo at a street boost level of 1 bar but i'd need to step up to 680s if i want to reach my 500 goal.