Had a relatively productive day, folowed by a brain fart.
Installed my downpipe, with a plug in the wideband O2 sensor bung. I had the bung welded at what would be the front of the cat, right behind the tail of the transmission. It's a bit further forward than I thought that it would be, but still in a good position.
Got the BOV installed again, got the upper IC pipe installed. PCV system set up, AFM installed, filter installed on it, bracket for the PS reservoir made up.
After getting all that installed, I had to hear it run, so I started it... And shut it down immediately when I remembered that I haven't installed an oil filter. Just long enough to make a dinner plate sized puddle under the front of the car.
Tomorrow morning, I change the oil, permanently mount the filter mount, top up the coolant and PS fluid, and take her for a drive.