Well, it's the threads in the crank, but the worst thing is for the pulley. Since it's a dampner, it has rubber parts in it, which the torch isn't good for at all. If you're replacing it... Probably doesn't matter, but still, it's a bad idea.
To get the pulley bolt off of my 7M, I needed my breaker bar and a 7' fence post as a snipe. I needed someone else to keep the stand from tipping over as I bounced my weight on the end of the fence post. I almost gave up on the bolt coming loose at that, but it finally did.
To get the pulley bolt off of my 7M, I needed my breaker bar and a 7' fence post as a snipe. I needed someone else to keep the stand from tipping over as I bounced my weight on the end of the fence post. I almost gave up on the bolt coming loose at that, but it finally did.