1. The svelte look. Agree. Those body lines and fenders. I was sold in a heartbeat.
2. The feel. The feeling behind the wheel can't be compared to anything other. Every car has it's own aura, some kind of essence. Even if you are blindfolded and put in to another supra, you somehow feel that it's a similar car, but not yours. There's something essentian about this car.
3. The sound. The sound will please anyone. A stock, mild tune or upgraded grolw. This car can provide both. It's versatility is huge. You can leave it stock cruiser or build the monster out of it. It's can do both things easily.
4. The amazing amount of power these Supras can handle. If built the right way. Witch is exactly what i am doing right now.
I got addicted to the car right away. It's just like narcotic. You can't get enought. I dd it always. Summer, winter it doesn't mater. Every single day she's running with me smiling behind the wheel.
It's the first car that i don't want to sell. Ever. Even if it strikes problems, bhg or smtf else. While you are repairing it, you are having thoughts of selling it. But just as soon as you turn the key.. As soon as the car moves on it's own power... All those thoughts are blown away. You catch yourself smiling widely. At that point nothing maters. The money that gone in to it, the blody knuckles from working on it... It's all irrelevant. She's alive and that's what maters most.