Recently read the original "Around the World in 80 days" by Jules Verne, was good once you got used to the archaic language.
Yellow 13;1121228 said:Supramania.
ERA;1121221 said:Now:
Big Wang Bandit;1121252 said:I read To Kill a Mocking Bird today and yesterday.
DsBetterHalf;1121278 said:Tanya: you should try the Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher. They are a fantasy series, about a modern day wizard that lives in Chicago, and they are AWESOME!![]()
IJ.;1121189 said:I read anything and everything and have most of the King and Koontz books here as well, have to say though I felt cheated with the ending of the Gunslinger series![]()
Poodles;1121211 said:Currently reading Atlas Shrugged (should be required reading IMHO).
If you like fantasy, read the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.