Well, some asshole put me out of the Supra game....


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
I'm no longer a Supra owner

I was stopped at an intersection behind two cars and was reading something. I looked up and noticed the light had turned green so I put it in 1st and started to make my way through. Well, someone blew through the red light going around 60 / 70 and nailed me right in the front drivers side wheel area.

Needless to say, my car is a write off. The entire front end of the car is shifted to the right, nothing closes properly, and alot of things are broken. I'm waiting for insurance to do their thing so I can go and see what they want to buy it back so I can strip any parts and take the motor & tranny, rear end, ecu, etc....

There's soo many fucked up parts too. Today was the day that I was taking the Supra off the road and getting it ready for paint & prep. I was actually on my way back from putting my Caprice on the road.

It's a sad day, I'm sore as fuck, and I cried. I can't even look at these pictures without shedding a tear.

RIP Supra



Mar 3, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I have to dig up the video of a bunch of us cutting up a mint 240 with a chainsaw and a sawzall....Hope everything works out for you. everything happens for a reason.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Dude... you dodged a bullet there. If you had started across the intersection a SECOND sooner, you would be in the hospital at best, with a decent chance of being worm food. Time to pick up a lottery ticket! :D


Supramania Contributor
Jan 2, 2008
Wow, hope your recovery is quick. Where in T.O. did this happen? Did you buy this car from someone is Mississauga? Looks like one I knew of. Good luck with everything. Hope you can get back in the game.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
This is why I always look both ways before proceeding through an intersection. Never take it for granted that people actually stop at red lights. If you were paying more attention to the road and had your mind on driving instead of reading something (texting), then you would have been more aware of this asshole running a red light and your Supra would have been spared.

On a positive note, at least you're still alive. Your Supra can and will be replaced.


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
From experience it doesn't even take 15mph to mess up your car that bad. From that point of impact. My whole passenger side on my supra was about 10" over. And yeah I know what your feeling. I cried too. "this is my baby". Luckily my brother's sugarmama helped me out and got it back on the road in 2 weeks. It looks like that stabalizer helped out. Your lucky...


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
glad youre ok what did the asshole in the Nissan have to say. I hope he didnt have some bullshit excuse.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I lost a Supra under the same scenario but different circumcstances. I am still mad about it. That was....2003. Why can't these people hit a Honda Civic or Toyota Camry. There is only about a million of those things on the road.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Damn man, that sucks. But good thing you weren't seriously injured. Do yourself a favor, get checked up by your regular doctor, if you don't have insurance do NOT worry about the bills from it. The car insurance will cover it. Make sure you are ok and your back, neck, etc isn't messed up. I got into an accident in june and i'm still feeling the effects from it.


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
SupraRon;1604068 said:
Wow, hope your recovery is quick. Where in T.O. did this happen? Did you buy this car from someone is Mississauga? Looks like one I knew of. Good luck with everything. Hope you can get back in the game.

This happened at Zorra Rd & The Queensway in Etobicoke right by Kipling. Yea it used to belong to a mechanic at the Canadian Tire @ Mavis & Dundas who now owns an MKIV & a Soarer.

JDMMA70;1604097 said:
glad youre ok what did the asshole in the Nissan have to say. I hope he didnt have some bullshit excuse.

The guy hardly spoke English (some Eastern European guy) he didn't even ask if I was okay at the scene. Just tried to apologize at the body shop after.

DreamerTheresa;1604099 said:
Yeeesh. :( Sorry honey. How's your neck/back feel?

Right now my neck is alright, my lower back is pretty sore though. I'm not looking forward to waking up tomorrow at all =[

OneJArpus;1604147 said:
Damn man, that sucks. But good thing you weren't seriously injured. Do yourself a favor, get checked up by your regular doctor, if you don't have insurance do NOT worry about the bills from it. The car insurance will cover it. Make sure you are ok and your back, neck, etc isn't messed up. I got into an accident in june and i'm still feeling the effects from it.

I went into a clinic after the accident and they prescribed me some anti-inflammatory meds for now and referred me to a specialist for physio. If I feel terrible tomorrow I'm definitely going in for the physio and to get X rays just to make sure everything is okay.

Thank all you guys for you support during this time though, I know I don't normally post on here too often but it's good to see all you guys show your support for a fellow Supra owner (or former)
I really don't know what I'm going to do with it. Technically from the firewall back is flawless, but I wouldn't feel right just welding a front clip on the car and calling it a day, something about it just wouldn't do for me. I'm waiting to see what my insurance company will be giving me for the car (it was appraised for $10,000 prior so hopefully I can recoup that loss back), in the mean time I've been given a rental car and my Supra is sitting at a local body shop waiting for an appraiser to look at it.

I'm thinking about buying it back from the insurance company once it's been said and done and parting it out, so if any of you guys on here would be interested in some MKIII parts please let me know. I'll also have a 1JZ-GTE & Tranny / ECU/ harness for sale with an original 158,xxx Km's on it (kills me how low km's it had too) but I'd prefer if that was sold locally.

If my funds permit, I may be looking at picking up RHD JZA80 RZ Supra if the price is right. I see this as the time to move on, I've had an MKIII JZA70 so the next step ultimately will be a MKIV JZA80.

Thanks again guys, I'll be sure to keep you all updated on the situation as I go along. Right now I need some rest though.