Well Im fuQed


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
So come to find out I have to pull the engine on the supra because the oil pan is leaking.

Great, now Im stuck driving the dodge pig of a truck 360CI gas pig.

So come to find out to, that my current employer won't give me a raise.

Gas prices go up to $4 a gallon.


Another company calls, and they said they want to hire me @ $11, but they are 15 more minutes of the drive.


So I go online and look around for jobs that I could do... professional tig welder, professional sales person....

EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PLACE WANTS COLLEGE. Great. Im not a rich little mommy or daddy's kid, and I certainly never got money from them for college.

Student loan?


Wrong. Can. Im on a credit rebuilding plan after my store got ROBBED BLIND by my two past employes and cleaned me out.

I have three ideas I just want to sell to companies so they can go make the profit and give me a little piece of the pie, but I can't afford to go get them patented like my last idea @ $4k a pop. So now I have multi million dollar ideas in my head no one wants to listen to, and I have no money to market them.

What a fukcing sick cycle this is.

Why can't I find some place that will pay a guy for what he is worth?

Oh, and all you bastards that go honking your horn at me and flipping me off in the big red truck because Im coasting to a red light...


Ooooh lets hurry and speed the fuck up to the red light so I can hurry and wait and hurry and idle and waste more gas then hurry and STOMP THE FUCK out of the gas pedal so I can stomp the SHIT out of the brake pedal at the next light.


:icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil

(Bangs head on keyboard) askfjpiowuef;oasjkdvh2035r789yuweauiovj23qr9pweuovjho2qilu3rfh.asekdv9ol.sdvkj.3qwefvaq2tgvsdp;89age.jhnukjsdvnklj.bsdvkjzxdcvnm


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
Wooo-sa!! It shouldn't take you to long to pull it out and get that fixed and put back in. I think my buddy said he did it in 6 hours give or take. Just look at it this way...things could be worse!! How do you think the people who got flooded out feel? No homes to go to. No cars to even put gas in. And the cars they do have...they don't even have gas over there!! I know it sucks but getting mad will only give you a ulcer or a aneurysm!! So the only thing you can do is take a deep breath and get it done. I wish the best of luck to you though!!


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Dude.. I ride my bicycle to work.
The Supra is a grocery-getter. We never go anywhere. I am broke TRYING to get a 2JZ swap completed. When it's complete, I'm going to be broke WORSE from buying gas, 'cause I am going to drive the piss out of it..


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
MDCmotorsports said:
So come to find out I have to pull the engine on the supra because the oil pan is leaking….
But you work quick. (I remember that based on how fast you said you can remove and install a turbo in the car.) And you know where the oil is now coming from, which is good because diagnosing is many times half of the work.
MDCmotorsports said:
…Great, now Im stuck driving the dodge pig of a truck 360CI gas pig….
Only temporarily until you fix your car. Some are stuck with a big truck and nothing but.
MDCmotorsports said:
…So come to find out to, that my current employer won't give me a raise….
Like so many other people in the USA. You are not alone. Getting a better job may take time and that is how that works. You are skilled – many aren’t!
MDCmotorsports said:
…Gas prices go up to $4 a gallon….
And there is nothing you can do about that. It is a waste of time and energy, and really illogical to worry about things you can’t change. Only worry about things you can change. Like they say, “what can you do?” Stressing it won’t help any.
MDCmotorsports said:
… Another company calls, and they said they want to hire me @ $11, but they are 15 more minutes of the drive….
Dude, if you can get a job, be happy – many can’t. Look at the folks in the coastal gulf coast – they lost everything and everything more, and their jobs too. And when will they find another job? Other than construction, the economy will mostly be dead in that area, I would imagine. Take what you can in terms of work and advance when you can. Keep your eyes open to other opportunities, as you may be doing. You are still young. At your age, many are still getting educated.
MDCmotorsports said:
And when you get the education, they will ask for experience. They always want more.
MDCmotorsports said:
…Im not a rich little mommy or daddy's kid, and I certainly never got money from them for college.

Student loan?

Then you sound like you would be a candidate for financial aid for school. Talk to a financial aid advisor, and then see where you are. You may be surprised to what you may get. Many people do it!
MDCmotorsports said:
…Im on a credit rebuilding plan after my store got ROBBED BLIND by my two past employes and cleaned me out….
Golden rule that applies everywhere: Never trust any one if you don’t have to! ALL info is on a “need to know basis.” That is how I operate: I chose what I tell people, not disclose info based on my being asked. People will rob you over ten dollars. Don’t trust people unless you have to. Welcome to the world in 2005 to anyone who disagrees with me. I did not choose it that way; I only know what I need to do to not get burned.
MDCmotorsports said:
…What a fukcing sick cycle this is.

Why can't I find some place that will pay a guy for what he is worth?...
The cycle you speak of: it is a way of life to many. Gas will go up for me too and all others in the US. Think about how pricy gas is in other places in the world. Do you know how expensive gas is in Great Britain? Why do you think they drive such small cars? Or many other places in Europe? A French girl was telling me that our cars are huge. After the conversation we had, buying a Mini – Cooper made much sense to me (heheh). Cars in our country are needlessly HUGE! And for what? Why do people use SUV’s? I think it is a way to be pretentious. I think people like to pretend things with an SUV. They want to pretend to other people that they need it to haul horses (that they don't own), or pretend that they have a boat that they haul, or that they live out in a large estate in the country. And all that pretentiousness costs all of us money! They deplete the supply of gas, and so the aggregate price per gallon of gasoline rises for all of us. People need to know that and spread the word. Having knowledge is cooler than pretending to own a horse, or a boat, or pretending to own a large rural estate, or whatever silly reasons why people are needlessly attracted to those SUV’s. What is the purpose of a Hummer? -- nothing other than using our limited gas supply!

MDCmotorsports said:
…Oh, and all you bastards that go honking your horn at me and flipping me off in the big red truck because Im coasting to a red light...


Ooooh lets hurry and speed the fuck up to the red light so I can hurry and wait and hurry and idle and waste more gas then hurry and STOMP THE FUCK out of the gas pedal so I can stomp the SHIT out of the brake pedal at the next light….
Want to get back at them? Act as if you are deaf! LOL Pretend that you are really into a song on the radio and that you don’t even know they exist when they honk at you. That would be the best payback you can do – and it is legal too (lol). You can laugh later but not in front of them.
MDCmotorsports said:

:icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil

(Bangs head on keyboard) askfjpiowuef;oasjkdvh2035r789yuweauiovj23qr9pweuovjho2qilu3rfh.asekdv9ol.sdvkj.3qwefvaq2tgvsdp;89age.jhnukjsdvnklj.bsdvkjzxdcvnm
If you only knew half of the problems I have had to deal with in life. You don’t have it that bad. Just think of how it would be like if you lived where Justin727 lives or if you lived in New Orleans.
I bet most of those people in New Orleans would trade lives with you in a heartbeat. Did you know that many of those people still have to pay their mortgages even thought the houses have been totaled?


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
At the rate gas prices are rising, buying Sunoco unleaded race gas for the Supra may eventually not seem so bad after all...
..unless that rises in price, too!


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
d00d..... I'll help U pull the friggin motor..... fipg it....... or whatever.... we'll get'er done in a day..... Seriously..... If you're off monday, if you are, give me a call..... No charge either, I wont ecpect anything in return..... hell, me and Jason are doing that resto, I'm not charging him, I supplied the body, all the tools, probably a tranny, lol.... I swear I'd do anything I could for a Supra owner in need. Give me a call, we'll get this done. Hell, I'll even leave Muncie late Sunday night so I can be at your place EARLY monday morning.....

And about the driving thing.... people in Columbus need to take a chill pill..... pissing them off is what gets me through my daily commute..... People get so flippin worked up when U let people out of the McDonalds drive...... Like you said..... if I'm stopped there, we'd never make it through anyway.



people were pissed off at me as i was miserly driving the corolla shitbox home today at 50mph.. speed limit being 60.. but i was keeping the rpms in third gear down trying to conserve gas because of the shortages sweeping the area recently....

oh wells...they either don't know what its like to not have a definite ride to work the next day. as it stands for me right now.. my 23 mile commute costs me an 8 hour shift out of a 40 hour week.

MDC..you and I shuold partner up man..


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
americanjebus said:
you need to get laid.

Did that, it was great. I love my future wife very much. Didn't help the gas in my vehichles' tank or my money problems.

mkiiSupraMan18 said:
Are you off monday?

I am now. I called in today to my current $8.5 an hour welding job and told him I would be out. Mondays the same story...

Lanky You're an avatar whore. :icon_razz

Tony RR said:
"Every thing"

You're a man of wisdom beyond his years my friend. Thank you. :biglaugh:


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
D34DC311 said:
Well fuck this, im moving to germany.
cya bitches, the US sucks.

I've thought about moving to New Zealand....

They get the cool jap cars we don't here, they have Koalas, roos and wallabies..... rain forrests, deserts, beaches, and some cool as people.


sorry bout the avatar mdc.. i was planning on using it over on celica-supra.com and whle having two windows open (one sm, one cs) i confuzed myself..

i'll change it later tonight as everytime I see it I think its your post...not mine. :p


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
MDCmotorsports said:
I've thought about moving to New Zealand....

They get the cool jap cars we don't here, they have Koalas, roos and wallabies..... rain forrests, deserts, beaches, and some cool as people.

yea, and you can walk to a lot of places.


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
so you are telling us that that you would not leave a 8.5hr job for a 11hr man that is just dumb to not take it for only a 15 min extra drive. oh and welcome to life I struggle day to day I make 12.65 and my wife works she makes 7.5 we have 2 kids and one car payment and more problems that i care to count being poor sucks but its how things work. BTW we live in pensacola and gas can't even be had here with out hours of waiting so no one cares if its 10 per gallon cause there is none to get


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
I just filled all my vehicles up last night, plus every can I had in my garage... I paid $3.05 in Washington. I figure with Katrina fucking everything up down south and a labor day price hike, It could easlily top $4 today...

BTW, you need 4k to get a multimillion dollar patent? fuck the student loan, get a personal loan for it, or give me the idea and I'll give you a cut :evil2:


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Holy shit..... Labor day weekend....... gas goes from $3.2x.... to $2.99.... wtf is THAT all about? I figured $3.75 EASY..... Anyway, I'm giving U a call Jon, we'll get that biatch fixed.... mkIII's..... damn getting back in the saddle is gonna be fun....


MDCmotorsports said:
...EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PLACE WANTS COLLEGE. Great. Im not a rich little mommy or daddy's kid, and I certainly never got money from them for college.

WTF? Not everyone gets money from their parents for school bro, me and serveral other guys around here are paying our own tuition and books... and $11/hr? wtf are you in highschool? Thats how much I made in highschool and now I am in college making way more just to sit in front of a computer and wait for people to walk in or call... aight peaceg


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Boostaddctn said:
WTF? Not everyone gets money from their parents for school bro, me and serveral other guys around here are paying our own tuition and books... and $11/hr? wtf are you in highschool? Thats how much I made in highschool and now I am in college making way more just to sit in front of a computer and wait for people to walk in or call... aight peaceg

yea im paying my way through also, and im fuckin broke.


aight fella's lets all be calm. no need starting a fight here.. we're all in the same boat in one way or another....

just keep it peaceful and constructive.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Boostaddctn said:
WTF? Not everyone gets money from their parents for school bro, me and serveral other guys around here are paying our own tuition and books... and $11/hr? wtf are you in highschool? Thats how much I made in highschool and now I am in college making way more just to sit in front of a computer and wait for people to walk in or call... aight peaceg

Yeah kinda how I feel.

Im mean with the TIG welding and fabrication experience such as mine, I should be able to get a $18 an hour job no problem.


Also, most of my fam still lives in so cal. The cost of living there is much more than out here in Indiana. My 3 BR house I grew up in out in Orange is now located in the Bario, and sold for $620k+. Thats crazy. Out here in Indy you could get a 10 BR MANSION for that much dough.

So yes I agree with you 100%.

Its just plain insulting to see my skills & experience that I have and be offered $10-12 an hour.
