MDC, here's a bit of advice from the other end of the stick.
I've been the person hiring people for many years, in many different industries, and I'll say this without any hesitation. We look for three things...
1. Do we think you can do the job?
2. Do we think you will enjoy doing the job?
3. Do we think we will enjoy working with you?
An education *helps* us answer the first one, and I'll obviously ask for it, or require it, in many cases. However, and this is very important, I DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT IT. If you can prove that you fit those three questions - better than the other guys applying for the same position - you're hired.
I can hand out tons of advice on getting work, and chances are I can tell anyone why they DON'T get hired. If anyone wants advice on the subject, just ask, I could go on for pages, and I'm sure most people don't want to read all that.