Well Im fuQed


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
kwnate said:
BTW, you need 4k to get a multimillion dollar patent? fuck the student loan, get a personal loan for it, or give me the idea and I'll give you a cut :evil2:

Well the 4 ideas are worth millions, and it takes around $4000 on average per patent to get an idea done.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
And then some clever prick in Taiwan or China steals the idea reverse engineers it changes the design 10% to circumvent the Patent and you're back to square one with no legal recourse!
(don't ask how I know this....)

Better to sell the idea to a big company for $XXXX then XX% royalty on each unit and let them deal with the crap.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
IJ. said:
And then some clever prick in Taiwan or China steals the idea reverse engineers it changes the design 10% to circumvent the Patent and you're back to square one with no legal recourse!
(don't ask how I know this....)

Better to sell the idea to a big company for $XXXX then XX% royalty on each unit and let them deal with the crap.

Exactly. I have been down this road with my current patent. It went overseas and was threatend to me to be stollen.


Jul 24, 2005
Tolland CT
Wish you were closer so I could help you out with the oil leak and get her back on the road. I know how you feel about having money, but having money isn't great either. My family is well off, but they always made me work for my cars, ins,college, etc because they came from nothing and they don't want to make me lazy(I can't say enough how glad I am that they raised me like this). yeah it would be nice for them to give me 10 grand to fix my car, but for what? I didn't earn it. I would trade having money just to see my dad more because he works in nyc and comes back on weekends, but we never see eachother. People think money is the key to everything, but having money ruins lives too. Not seeing my dad because he works far away sucks and then when he is here he just rants about what didnt get done and all that shit, it takes a toll on you to just get negative remarks from your father for 21 years. Money isn't everything, but like everyone I would love to have more, I just would rather have a close family since in the end your family is all you have.



"The Boss"
Apr 1, 2005
Well Said Jon.
MDC Jon, Dropping the subframe IS easier than pulling the motor. you can have the pan off in less than 2 hours, easy. it's actually only 6 bolts plus motor mount nuts, strut tower nuts, and little brackets, then the hole thing drops down a foot or so, and the pan comes right out.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
If you do as The Boss says, shouldn't be too hard to get the pan off and FIPG the thing..
..if you can just get your hands on a good jack, some chocks for the rear wheels, and some jack-stands for keeping the front off the ground.


"The Boss"
Apr 1, 2005
yeah, I lifted the hole car, and then hooked the picker to the motor to hold it up. It went really quick.
I've always pulled the motor before, but I thought I'd try it the other way for once. I'm sold.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
IJ. said:
And then some clever prick in Taiwan or China steals the idea reverse engineers it changes the design 10% to circumvent the Patent and you're back to square one with no legal recourse!
(don't ask how I know this....)

Better to sell the idea to a big company for $XXXX then XX% royalty on each unit and let them deal with the crap.

thats what im doing with the engine im building no Gas is involved just oil for lube.
still in delvepmental stages, but im %99 sure it will work, ill have to work around a lot of probelms but so far with the # crunches ive done, the V-8 version puts down 158Hp to the crank. and oil must be changed every 10000 miles.
if i get this working the word gas prices will be no more. im going to have to sell the idea to an oil company in fear of assassination.
ill solve the oil prices. and you guys will have to start learnign how to mod this engine. also the idea i have is that the engine will be able to drop into any car. that means people wont have to buy a whole new car.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
D34DC311 said:
thats what im doing with the engine im building no Gas is involved just oil for lube.
still in delvepmental stages, but im %99 sure it will work, ill have to work around a lot of probelms but so far with the # crunches ive done, the V-8 version puts down 158Hp to the crank. and oil must be changed every 10000 miles.
if i get this working the word gas prices will be no more. im going to have to sell the idea to an oil company in fear of assassination.
ill solve the oil prices. and you guys will have to start learnign how to mod this engine. also the idea i have is that the engine will be able to drop into any car. that means people wont have to buy a whole new car.

Im working on a similar idea, although it can't be patented because the technology is already there, just no one uses it.

But when I do it to the supra, it will make just as much if not more HP, and be 100% emission free, unless you consider water an emission.

jam4484 said:
Wish you were closer so I could help you out with the oil leak and get her back on the road. I know how you feel about having money, but having money isn't great either. My family is well off, but they always made me work for my cars, ins,college, etc because they came from nothing and they don't want to make me lazy(I can't say enough how glad I am that they raised me like this). yeah it would be nice for them to give me 10 grand to fix my car, but for what? I didn't earn it. I would trade having money just to see my dad more because he works in nyc and comes back on weekends, but we never see eachother. People think money is the key to everything, but having money ruins lives too. Not seeing my dad because he works far away sucks and then when he is here he just rants about what didnt get done and all that shit, it takes a toll on you to just get negative remarks from your father for 21 years. Money isn't everything, but like everyone I would love to have more, I just would rather have a close family since in the end your family is all you have.

Well said my friend. My family is the same way. Well off, and made me work for every thing. Even told me if I wanted college I would have to get it myself. My idea at the time of being a whopping know it all 18 y/o was to build my own business, and at a later stage in life, put myself through college. Didn't work.

Great name btw.



Fuck That Shit Dont Sell It To The Fucking Oil Comanies Those Fuckers There Just Gonna Use It When The Oil Runs Out So They Can Keep Making Money Fuck Them And There Bull Shit You Keep The Idea Im Your New Fucking Body Guard Bitch


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I could type out a 1000 word essay on this subject but being the Net very few would read it so my points here are,

There are very FEW new Ideas!

The big companies have staff devoted to searching expired patents that have never been made due to insufficient technology/materials at the time they were conceived.

If you think something up chances are someone has already thought of it!

As I posted earlier spending the cash on a Patent gives you very limited coverage as it doesn't take much of a change to the product to circumvent it.

Not to mention the Countries that will out and out steal it without a second thought as to prosecute them is 99.9999% impossible.

Then you have the casual theft "because you posted on the net it's public domain so why shouldn't it be copied and made cheaper to undercut you"

I see this all the time.

scenario: You walk into a store and are browsing the stock and see a nice blister pack with an anodised part in it pick it up for closer inspection and find it's a knockoff of your design! (this happened twice)

The options here are to make it needlessly intricate/hard to fit requiring the part to be installed by yourself or so specialised within a niche market that it's just not worth their time to poach the design!

Problem with Car parts is that we're a niche within a niche within another niche and the big companies don't really service the Mk3 so prices are high as the volume isn't there to lower them.

Add to this as soon as someone designs something 5 people knock it off doesn't help.

Mk3 guys don't have the disposable income of say Mk4 guys and while there are a few high dollar Mk3's being built they're the exception rather than the rule.

this is just an abbreviated take on my view on this subject and for a bunch of these reasons I no longer make car components for other people as it's just not cost effective and has become "just a hobby" for me!


MDCmotorsports said:
Most of my big money ideas are not for the automotive industry, but for every day home use.

And yes, my new fuel idea (which isn't so new) won't ever be sold to the oil industries.

good glad someone has the balls to stand up against them fuckers


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
IJ. said:
If you think something up chances are someone has already thought of it!

correct, but i found a similar patent about my idea, just the guy didnt have a proto type built and it never would work, i already went down the path the guy took, problem is it leads to the magnets superheating, and they create to much heat, hence fire and they stop working.
so his/my idea was something that would have never worked. now im down a path that i think will work and is cheaper than buying full titanium blocks.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
MDC, here's a bit of advice from the other end of the stick.

I've been the person hiring people for many years, in many different industries, and I'll say this without any hesitation. We look for three things...
1. Do we think you can do the job?
2. Do we think you will enjoy doing the job?
3. Do we think we will enjoy working with you?

An education *helps* us answer the first one, and I'll obviously ask for it, or require it, in many cases. However, and this is very important, I DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT IT. If you can prove that you fit those three questions - better than the other guys applying for the same position - you're hired.

I can hand out tons of advice on getting work, and chances are I can tell anyone why they DON'T get hired. If anyone wants advice on the subject, just ask, I could go on for pages, and I'm sure most people don't want to read all that. :)


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Boostaddctn said:
WTF? Not everyone gets money from their parents for school bro, me and serveral other guys around here are paying our own tuition and books... and $11/hr? wtf are you in highschool? Thats how much I made in highschool and now I am in college making way more just to sit in front of a computer and wait for people to walk in or call... aight peaceg

this is a bit off... (i'm not challenging anyone, i'm just stating facts)

fact: part time jobs pay more in california then they do in many other states.
fact: jobs in many states with a lower cost of living pay less than those with a higher cost of living (california)

i live in upstate NY, and i get paid $9.50/hr, being the senior projectionist and part time manager at a movie theater. most of the jobs around me dont pay that much. i'm relatively lucky. (and will be more lucky next week when i start my new job @ $13.50/hr)



Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
after driving to NY, I wouldn't call it free, or.... not so much.... I got free tickets for donating blood last week. Shoulda did that Jon...... Just curious though.....

Why doesn't the GOOD LOOKING chick ever do mine instead of the fat, old one? :icon_conf


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
mkiiSupraMan18 said:
after driving to NY, I wouldn't call it free, or.... not so much.... I got free tickets for donating blood last week. Shoulda did that Jon...... Just curious though.....

Why doesn't the GOOD LOOKING chick ever do mine instead of the fat, old one? :icon_conf

What the crap are you talking about MAtt?