Not really. Let's talk about cold weather and electric cars. (Heck, let's actually use our hypothetical electric car in the real world.)
Ok, you live in the USA, but are not part of the "Crazyfornia" crowd, so you get 4 seasons, and it's wintertime. Today's temp is -10 F, and it's nasty cold.
You get up to go to work, and unplug your Tesla that's been charging up all night long on cheaper nighttime power.
Mmmm. The indicator says full power, but dang it's COLD! Hit that "Instant heater" button and let's get this vehicle warmed up...
As your driving along, now out of your garage, the battery pack has to deal with being cooled down, reducing the effectiveness of the battery, and it's having to deal with providing you with max heat, and power the motor to move the car. You decide to turn on some tunes while commuting to work, and also hit the defrost to clean off the windshield that is starting to fog up.. (this turns on the AC, and uses even more power. First you cool the air, and remove some of the mosture, and then heat it up and blow it over the windshield. All of this takes power.)
You make it to work at Save the Planet Inc., and you have a 1/2 tank of battery power indicated! "Yay! I don't have to ride the bus again!" you muse. You would have parked in a "power" spot to recharge, but they were all full, and besides, they charge you double for using power during the day to help encourage more environment friendly nighttime vehicle recharging.. "I have plenty of power, and can charge it tonight at home." You conclude.
You work your job, and decide to walk to lunch to conserve energy. After a nice meal of bean sprouts and humas, you wash it all down with herbal tea, and get back to work saving the planet. But not before you seperate your lunch trash into the paper, plastic and aluminum can bins... Your amazing!
5:30pm rolls around, and it's time to go home. Your Tesla super green machine is waiting for you in the parking garage.
You get in, and find the car has been sitting there for hours. The battery pack is now ambiant air temp, -10 F. It's gone from indicating 1/2 a full charge to about 1/3 left. (Barely.) You decide it's going to improve as it warms up with use... and get in to drive home...
BRRRR! "It's F'n freezing in here!" And your breath is fogging up the windows, so you hit the "defrost" and crank up the heat to max again. Oh, and I really want to listen to my ipod, so I plug it into my special base, and find the songs. (Not thinking that my ipod is also charging while I'm listening to it....)
About 1/2 way home, you get a warning beep. (Ok, so I'm making this up, I don't know if the Tesla has a warning beep, but it's possible... LOL) This tells you battery power is dangerously low, and you need to exit traffic and find power now. You decide it's just a few more miles, and keep pressing on.....
The car runs out of power, and it's dark, so you can't see either now with no light at all. You coast to the side of the road, and whip out the cell phone... "Dang it" no service! Dodging the smelly, nasty and "fossil fuel burning" cars on the road, you manage to cross back over to the side of the highway, and find a solar powered call box. Your really cold now since your stylish hemp jacket and organic cotton clothes are more for fashion than keeping you warm like wool..(You would never wear an animal by-product..murderers!)
You lift the handset and WTF? It's not working, the ice and snow buildup on the solar panel for the past few weeks has slowly killed this box, and it will not even give you a dial tone...
You try and waive down a passing motorist, but nobody stops to help you.
You decide to walk, and head for the nearest exit and side road. You barely make it to the 7-11 in a crappy part of town. The "homies" are looking at you pretty close, but your confident your local law enforcement is going to keep you safe...
You ask for change? "I only carry plastic" you state.. and you have to buy a hot cup of coffee since they don't have herbal tea, and then use your change to call for a tow. The tow company says it will be a few hours before they can get to your car, and there's a 100.00 surcharge for being an EV since they have to make sure the driver is not going to be killed by your car.
You decide to take the bus home, and slog out to the bus stop. "Hey! I know this place" you exclaim. You were here this summer on the hottest day of the year... (Your use of AC killed the battery, and you forgot to plug in the night before, and thought it would make it on 1/2 a charge...)
While waiting at the bus stop, the "Homies" from inside the 7-11 come out and join you. They ask for your wallet, watch and shoes! You tell them the police will get you for this, but they pull guns and you end up losing your hemp jacket as well! Bastards! (You would never think of owning a gun, much less using one to protect yourself...) Now your peniless, cold and stuck in the bad part of town! You can't even walk back to your cold, dead EV ubercar since you don't have a jacket or shoes...
Your fucked.
You were fucked when they sold you the 100k EV.
You were fucked when you were indoctrinated that the ULEE lifestyle is best.
You were fucked when they told you gun control was good, and owning a gun was bad.
It's your choice, but I'd rather not be fucked.

(Unless she's got nice curves, and a great smile
